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y <br /> L BOARD OF SELECTMEN Page <br /> } INU TES-MASH EE MIDDLE SCHOOL <br /> MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1991 <br /> Emergency Board of Selectmen Meei, � <br /> Selectman Jacobson asks Town Counsel for his interpretation <br /> of how he.{1rea.ds the election laws. Without being insensitive to <br /> the great political issue being raised in town, Attorney Reardon feels <br /> it is improper for him to make the determination, The Town Clerk <br /> is to make the determination. He would give an opinion if asked to <br /> o so, <br /> The Town clerk runs the election, The Board of Selectmen set <br /> the date informs Counsel. Five days from and after she has given <br /> notification to the person being recalled, the Torn Clerk noti fys <br /> the Board of selectmen of the -certified petition. The Board of <br /> Selectmen shall then schedule an election- no sooner that 35 and no <br /> later than. 60 days following notification from the Town Clerk. <br /> Selectman Jacobson asks of the emergency meeting power without <br /> a, quorum? With no quorum, there is no dually constituted meeting <br /> informs Counsel. The Board of Selectmen 'shall . schedule an election. <br /> If the Selectmen refuse or decline to come without a valid reason', there <br /> is no alternative but to go to superior court, <br /> The complaint int filed in superior court is -referred to as menda us. <br /> The court will order them to perform their duty to come to the meeting <br /> and carry out their statutory obligation. <br /> Selectman Jacobson notes she would like a copy of that section <br /> of the law. She asks if Selectman Hanson can vote? Yes replies <br /> Counsel. He is required to participate, There is a statutory obligat- <br /> ion <br /> blig t- <br /> ion that requires him to do this to set a voting date for the voters <br /> to consider. Town counsel doesn' t see any conflict of interest with <br /> this. <br /> Ad `ournmergt <br /> It was the consensus of the Selectmen present to adjourn the <br /> Meeting at 7: 20 <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Kathleen M. Soares <br /> Board Secretary <br />