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i <br /> r ;F <br /> t ' <br /> BOARD of SELECTMEN Page <br /> MINUTES <br /> MONDAY, FEBRUARY 31 1992 <br /> EXECUTIVE SECRETARY WEEKLY REPORT <br /> With concerns towards the Shellfish Constable and Harbormaster, <br /> Mr . .Harrington has recommended to combine the two positions into one <br /> at this time, The timing is right and there is anticipated savings <br /> to combine the position. <br /> .m. selectman Lawrence left the room, p,m. returned. <br /> -s'ele tmanr + fyr has recommended to invite our representatives <br /> i and senator in the near future to..-,discuss th one I ashpee is receiving.. <br /> Mashpee is a fast growing town. With- the probability of a new school <br /> there should be more money coming to iashpee. <br /> *Selectman Caffyn has recommended to receive report from Mr. Bailey <br /> or the Board o-f Assessors as to why the assessment of the proposed <br /> affordable housing project went from $563 ,000 to $202 ,000 . She would <br /> like indication of the zoning and is curious to the history of assess- <br /> ments in Town. <br /> *Selectman Caffyn would like indication if a letter has been sent <br /> to the Cape Cod Commission regarding the Boards position towards the <br /> New seabry project . The statement should go on record. <br /> 9 : 02 p.m. COMMUNICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE: <br /> The Board of Selectmen will not meet next week indicates Selectman <br /> Jacobson. <br /> Selectman Jacobson directed Mr. Harrington,..-,t send a memo to <br /> the boys and girls basketball in congratulations to the -.Mashpee Middle <br /> School Falcons for their sportsmanship. <br /> Election Revisions : Since the Primary Elections is scheduled for <br /> Tuesday, March 10, 1992 , the decision was rendered to change the date <br /> for the Special Town Meeting <br /> ***The notion was rade by Selectman Lawrence to recind the vote <br /> taken on January 27, 1992 to hold the special Town Meeting on March 9, <br /> 1992 . The motion was,:-,seconded by Selectman Mills , The vote is favor- <br /> able. The vote is -o. selectmanCaffyn' abstained from voting since <br /> she was not preent last week for the motion. <br /> ****The riotion was made by selectman Lawrence to hold the Special Town <br /> Meeting on Monday, Larch 1 , 1992 . The motion was seconded by elect- <br /> man Mills, The vote is favorable -1 . Selectman Caffyn is in opposition. <br /> Selectman Caffyn notes her opposition to the vote since many tax- <br /> payers are not in town in February or March. It is taxation without <br /> reresentatin she indicates . <br /> ****The roti on was made by Selectman Mills to schedule the Debt Ex- <br /> clusion Election for the fifteen room aid ' ion to the diddle school <br /> as soon as it can be lawfully held after March 1 , 199.2 . The mtion was <br /> seconded by Selectman Jacobson. The vote is 2-2 . There is no action. <br />