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BOARD of SELECTMEN Page. <br />MINUTES <br />doTH RSDA , FEBRUARY 11, 1993 <br />BUDGET WORKSHOP <br />Assessors Salary and Wage: 0 32: <br />It was noted that included in the Assessor's Salary and Wage <br />Account is the position of Lister to the Assessor's office. The <br />sum of $18,437,25 has been approved for this position. <br />Resumes for the Lister position will be submitted to the <br />Board of Selectmen for review. Interviews are currently being <br />conducted at this time. <br />Treasurer Salary -Elected: <br />Mr. Whritenour has recommended to m intat-in the current <br />salary rate of $40'.4'38 for the Treasurer/collector position. The <br />Board .is in agreement to review comparisons of the Treasurer/Tax <br />Collector with other municipalities. <br />Treasurer Collector Expense Account: 7: <br />The increase as projected in this account is due to the <br />quarterly tax billing system and additional forms and envelopes, <br />etc. It was noted that the request for a temporary clerk to this <br />department has been denied for FY 940 <br />Personnel Expense: 8: <br />Mr. Whritenour noted that the expense in the Beard Secretary <br />Account is on the high side. He has increased this account to <br />$17t5006 <br />With regards to the Personnel Expense increase, <br />Mr. Whritenour has recommended -to stagger physical examinations. <br />They could be scheduled on a bi-annual basis. One half of <br />department would obtain their examinations one year, the other <br />half cou-Id be scheduled f r the following year. <br />Selectman Caffyn recommended that all employee's join HMO to <br />obtain insurance coverage for physical examinations. Selectman <br />Costa added that when contracts are negotiated, it should b <br />stated; any service that can be paid for by health insurance <br />will not be paid for by the Town. <br />r1 <br />L_J <br />