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BOARD OF SELECTMEN Page 1 <br />MINUTES <br />MOND,A. , APR I L 2, 1993 <br />APPROVAL of MINUTES: <br />April 12, 1993 Regular and Executive Sessions: <br />Selectman Mills asked that the minutes be amended to reflect <br />on page one; -last paragraph. To include after the word; <br />consideration: on weekends. To read: is under consideration on <br />weekends from... <br />Page two; Seconsett Island; second paragraph: typo: <br />causeway. <br />Selectman oaf yn asked that the minutes be amended to <br />reflect on page seven; M s pee Beautification Committee, To <br />include the sentence: The three members of the Beautification <br />Committee include; Selectman cafyn, Tana Watt and Mary Lopez. <br />- *The motion was made by Selectman costa to approve the <br />Regular Session minutes of April 12, 1993 as corrected. The <br />motion was seconded by Selectman Mills. VOTE: Unanimous. -o. <br />Selectman vaccaro and Selectman Jacobson abstained from voting. <br />*The motion was made by Selectman Mills to approve the <br />Executive Session minutes of April 12, 1993 as presented. The <br />motion was seconded by Selectman Costa. VOTE: Unanimous. -o . <br />Selectman vaccaro and Selectman Jacobson abstained from voting. <br />0 Adjournment: <br />***The motion was made by Selectman Mills to adjourn at 10 : o <br />P.M.. The motion was seconded by Selectman Costa. VOTE <br />Unanimous. - . <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Kathleen M. Soares <br />Board Secretary <br />0 <br />