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BARD OF SELECTMEN Page 11 <br />MINUTES <br />MONDAY, APRIL 2 , 1993 <br />APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br />March 2, 1993 Regular and Executive Sessions: <br />***The motion was made by Selectman Mills to approve the <br />Regular Session minutes of March 22, 1993 as presented. The <br />motion was seconded by Selectman va c ro. VOTE: Unanimous, <br />- . Selectman c f yn abstained from voting. <br />Selectman vaccaro requested the Executive Session minutes be <br />amended to reflect on page two; second paragraph - typo; <br />correction to read: Gail Hendricks -Hill. <br />**The motion was made by Selectman vaccaro to approve the <br />Executive Session minutes of March 22, 1993 as corrected. The <br />motion was seconded by Selectman costa. VOTE: Unanimous. 3- . <br />Selectman caffyn and Selectman Mills abstained from voting. <br />March 2, 1993 Regular Session: <br />***The motion was made by Selectman Mills to approve the <br />minutes of March 2, 1993 as presented. The motion was seconded <br />by Selectman vaccaro. VOTE: Unanimous. 3- . Selectman caffyn <br />and Selectman costa abstained from voting. <br />April 1, 193 regular Session: <br />*The motion was made by Selectman costa to approve the <br />minutes of April 1, 193 as presented. The motion was seconded <br />by Selectman Mills. VOTE: Unanimous. 3- . Selectman Caffyn <br />and Selectman Jacobson abstained from voting, <br />April 7, 1993 Regular and Executive Sessions: <br />**The motion was made by Selectman costa to approve of the <br />Regular Session minutes of April 7, 1993 as presented. The <br />motion was seconded by Selectman Vaccaro, VOTE: unanimous. <br />-. Selectman Jacobson abstained from voting. <br />**The motion was made by Selectman vccaro to approve the <br />Executive Session minutes of April 7, 19- 3 as presented, The <br />motion was seconded by Selectman Costa. VOTE: Unanimous. - . <br />Selectman Jacobson abstained from voting. <br />