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BOARD F SELECTMEN Page 1 <br />MINUTES <br />M N P IL 2 . 199 <br />APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br />Monday, February 22, 1993 Regular Session: <br />Page eight: Building Inspector Appointment: Paragraph <br />one. Second sentence; include the word: an - that. To read <br />Selectman vaccaro expressed an opinion that the matter is not... <br />*The motion was made by Selectman Mills to approve the <br />minutes of Monday, February 22, 199 regular Session a atend e & <br />The tot ion was seconded by Selectman vaccaro , VOTE: Unanimous. <br />- . Selectman Jacobson abstained from voting. <br />Monday, February 22, 1993 Executive Session: <br />***The motion was made by Selectman vaccaro to approve the <br />Executive Session minutes of February -2, 1993 as presented. The <br />Motion was seconded by Selectman Mills. NOTE: Unanimous. -o. <br />Selectman Jacobson abstained from voting. <br />Monday, March 1, 1993 Regular and Executive Sessions; <br />*The above minutes will be deferred at this time. <br />Monday, March 8, 1993 Regular and Executive Sessions: <br />**The motion was made by Selectman vaccaro to approve the <br />Regular and Executive Session minutes of March 8, 1993 as <br />presented. The notion was seconded by Selectman Mills. VOTE <br />Unanimous. -. <br />Monday, March 15, 1993 Executive Session: <br />*The motion was made by Selectman costa to approve the <br />Executive Session -minutes of March 15, 1993 as presented. The <br />motion was seconded by Selectman Mills.. VOTE: Unanimous. 5- . <br />Thursday, March 18, 1993 Regular ular Session: <br />Selectman Mills asked that the minutes to be amended to <br />reflect on page two under Executive Secretary Review. To include <br />after Mr. Whritenour, the word: annual, To read* annual salary. <br />Selectman caffyn recommended to include Mr. Whritenour's <br />specific goals into the minutes of March 1 , 19930 <br />**The motion was made by Selectman Mills to approve the <br />minutes of March 18, 1993 as amended. The motion was seconded by <br />Selectman costa. VOTE: Unanimous. -- . <br />n <br />u <br />