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Mashpa Wamp an o ag <br />Chronic Disease Prevention grogram <br />P.O. Sox 1048/483 Great Neck Road, South <br />Mashpee, Massachusetts 02649 <br />Tel..- (508) 477-0208 FAX: (508) 477-1218 <br />IJ" do GUW&M o!' ftmm tO N" U# <br />elt . 7. 1993 <br />'down of Mashpee <br />Mahpee , MA 02649 <br />Dear Selectmen, <br />- n In <br />UW TIM <br />M"PEE SEIfCTY1FM'S <br />In regards to the request, of ' Bayberry' s county <br />Storefor a License to sell beer and -wine, I wish to poi.-ce sty <br />opinion against 'it . As - the new Program Coord.inator for the <br />iashpee Wam anoag Chronic. Disease Prevention Proms, I 'Simply - <br />want to remind you of the associated health 'risks , implications <br />and dangers -which alcohol use presents <br />' Bayberry # ' makes -an excellent linuica and cheese <br />omelet and would do better to me' a breakfast nook at tel-r route <br />130 location rather, than to - ell beer and wine, From first hand ex- <br />perience I can say it's the last we need there at this time. <br />Consider also the site possibility for the new high school nearby. <br />Healthy hearts,m nds and spirits make for a healthy <br />people , ' town and atmosphere, It is my hope -that the license is <br />turned down so to. 'keep the corner clean" and. to assist my job o <br />dealing with the results of those affected by alcoholism. Thank you. <br />Sincerely, <br />Emma# j-o Mill's Brennan <br />Program Coordinator/IiDp. <br />4D <br />