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09/07/1993 BOARD OF SELECTMEN Minutes
09/07/1993 BOARD OF SELECTMEN Minutes
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j # <br />Dmft - 3 <br />Medicare Account, $1,517 to the Pinsion Reserve Fund, $3,517 to the Medical Insurance Account <br />4Dand $23 to the Group Insurance Account, or take any other action relating thereto. <br />Submitted by the Town Planner <br />Ardclel = *Approved BCS/BC exact figure;$31,962.19) <br />To see if the Town wi.0 mote to rare and approbate, borrow or transfer from available <br />funds a sum of money to the Medicare Account, or take any other action relating thereto. <br />Submitted by the T /Tax Collector <br />Ardcle2o: *Approved BCS/FC (transfer - Waterways Improvement Fund) <br />To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, borrow or transfer from available <br />funds the sure of $8,8 10 to the Harbormaster Boat Replacement Account, & take any other action <br />relating thereto. <br />Submitted by the Harbormaster <br />Article,2 : *Approved B S / FC <br />To see if the "Town wiH vote t raise and appropriate, borrow or transfer from available <br />funds a -sum of money to the Truck Replacement Account, or take any other action relating thereto. <br />Submitted by the Board of Selectmen <br />Ardcle:22: *Approved BCSF. Zoning Board of Appeals; 22-2 . <br />To see if the Town will vote to amend the. Zoning Bylaw by deleting the current. Section <br />174-17 and replacing it nth the fo owMng: <br />".1 -17. Continuance, extension or alteration of Nonconforming Structures or Uses <br />LawfuHy created structures or uses may be continued, although not conforming with the <br />provisions of this chapter. Nonconforming single or two-family dwelling structures may be <br />charged, extended or altered if such change, extens-ors or alteration complies with the dimensional <br />requirements applicable to the lot under current provisions of Section 174- 1 or, for lots which <br />have been developed pursuant to Section 174- 1, complies with such requirements as were <br />applicable to initial const cdon of the dwelling under provisions -of Section 1' - 1. Changes, <br />extensions or alterations of nonconforming single or two -fancy dwelling sauctms which do not <br />meet the applicable dimensional requirements as set forth above, and changes, extensions or <br />alterations f all other nonconforming strnctm-es, or nonconforming uses, may not be made, unless <br />here is a written finding by the Board of Appeals that such change, extension or al=ation shall not <br />be sub tandaily more detrimenW than the existing nonconforming structure or use to the <br />neighborhood, and that there is adequate land area to .provide sufficient p rl ng and setbacks a <br />may be requirecL The Board of Appeals shall follow the procedures specified in the Gporal haws <br />for Spe al Permits in processing requests for such findings. For the purpose hereof, compliance <br />with dimensional requirements shah be determined by the Inspector of Buildings.{' <br />IN <br />
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