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Draft 3- /3/93 <br />And by adding the following definition of "NONCONFORMING STRUCTURE" " to Section 1 4- <br />49 3: <br />it IL_ lfWly existing structure that does not conform to the dimensional requix�e�cnent #h <br />a�ed by <br />this chapter for the district in which it is located, but which was lawfully in existence at the time the <br />di n ional requuvrnent with which it does not conform became effective.' <br />or take any aeon relating thereto. <br />Zorn i r <br />Submitted by the Board of Appeals <br />Article 3: *Approved <br />To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 1 - .. . 10 of the Zoning Bylaw by adding <br />under the R-5 and - I zoning district the letters 'APR'', or take any other aeon rela=g hereto. <br />4 <br />Submi b theiQ2onfgAppeals, <br />y <br />Article 24: *Approved <br />To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning Bylaw by adding the following footnote <br />. to the Section 1 4-3 I .and Space Requirements Table and adding a reference to said footnote <br />1. in -the Table for Front, Rear and Side Setback to Lot Wines: <br />"'16. <br />'These setback requirements shall not apply to the following building Proections, provided <br />they do not exceed the sizes specified, a measured from Ehe foundation line along a line <br />perpendicular to the nearest property line: chimney projecting no more than three feet, house <br />overhang projecting no more than two 2) feet, roof overhang projecting no more than three and <br />one-half Q 1/2) feed and open decks or platforms used for egress praojecnng no nn re than four (4) <br />feet. 'These setback requirements shall also not apply to stairs required as a means of egress, <br />basement bulkhead of the hatch door type orhandicapped access ramps on private property used <br />solely for the purpose of facilitating ingress or egress of a physically handicapped person, a <br />defined in MGL Chapter 22, Section 13A." <br />or take any other action relating thereto. <br />Zon i rig <br />Submitted by the Board of Appeals <br />Article 25: *Approved <br />To see if the Town wiII gore to amend the Zoning Bylaw by addling the -following ne <br />subsection 14-2..7) to the Table of Use Regulations and specifying in the Table by the letters <br />f'sp" that such uses are allowed by special pit in the -3 and R-5 zoning districts: <br />" 7) Private one or two -car garage, greenhouse or dock as a principal use where the lot cannot he <br />developed with a principal -residential use, prodded that there be no co rnercial use or storage, no <br />sanitary facilities, no storage outside of buildings, that no structure exceed fifteen 1 feet in <br />9 <br />