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09/07/1993 BOARD OF SELECTMEN Minutes
09/07/1993 BOARD OF SELECTMEN Minutes
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Draft #3- 9/3/93 <br />height and that alb applicable setbacks and lot coverage requimmnts are met and provided that <br />speck permit for such use is approved by the Board of Appeal& t� <br />or take any other action relating thereto. <br />Ardcl 26: *Approved <br />(ZBA) <br />Submitted by the $ J KW <br />To see if the Town wiR vote to amend Section 174-31 of the Zoning bylaw by adding the <br />following new sentence to footnote 4. of the land Space Requirements Fable: 'Except for <br />traditional widow's walk of up to one hundred 100square feet in area, roof decks- wl be <br />pernxitted only if located directly on top of the first or second story of any building." <br />or take any other action relating thee. <br />Submitted by the �oai�o�Appeals <br />rd le Z7 *Approved <br />To see if the Town will vote to amend subsection 1 4-25.A. 13 of the Zoning Bylaw by <br />adding the letters T R SF under -3 and -5 to indicate that such use is allowed as PR/SPin R- <br />and R-5 Districts, or take any other action relapng thereto. <br />Zoning <br />Submitted by the Board of Awls <br />Article 28: *Approved <br />To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 1 4-3 A. of the Zoning Bylaw by adding to <br />the definition of weWng: <br />(2) "Dwelling Detached'' the following paragraph: <br />"No building or structure shall be deemed to be one wit tithe nnam structure if it is -connected with <br />only a fence, deck or covered walkway. However, a fay enclosed breezeway shall constitute a <br />sufficient connection to deem the building or structure one with the main structure. This section <br />applies as a definition for single family detached dwelling in Section 174-25 A.1#, <br />or take any other action related thereto. <br />Zoning <br />Submitted by the Board of Appeals <br />Article 9: *Approved <br />To see if the Town will vote to mend the language of the next -to -last -last entcnce of section 1 <br />of Chapter 173 o 'the Mas pee Code to read: <br />The Commission is authorized to adopt rules and regulations governing the use of land and <br />waters under its control for the protection, promotion and development of water supply, <br />groundwater, flood control, erosion and sedimentation control, for -the prevention of water <br />
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