Draft #3- 9/3f93
<br />pollution, for the protection and preservationof fisheries, sheUffih, recreational values, wde
<br />and wildlife habitat and for the providing of open spaces in land and water areas and for all other
<br />purposes. as provided for in MGL C. 40, section 8 .
<br />r mke -any other action relating thereto.
<br />S ubnitted -by the Conservation Commission
<br />Article 30: *Approved
<br />o see if the Town n will vote to amend section 1 of Chapter 172 of the M shpee Code to
<br />+i* _e 9
<br />'the purpose of this Chapter is to protect the wetlands, related'' water resources and
<br />ad olinrng land areas in this mumcrpalaty by pnor reviewand control of acdvities deemed by the
<br />Conservation Commission likely to have significant or cumulative effect upon wetland values,
<br />including but not limited to the following: public or private water supply, groundwater, flood
<br />control, erosion and sedimentation control, storm damage prevention, the prevention of water
<br />pollution, fishe 'es, hel.lfish, wildlife habitat, recreation, agriculture and a uacultnre values
<br />(co,Uectivelyl "'the wetland moues protected by this chapter.")
<br />"
<br />r take any other action relating thereto:
<br />} Submitted by the Conservation Commission
<br />0' Article 3:: *Approve
<br />o see if the Town will vote to place the following parcels of Town -owned land under the
<br />care, -custody, management and control of the Conservation Commission and to designate said
<br />parcels as conservation land for all purposes included in Chapter 40, Section 8C of the General
<br />Lavers as it now reads or may hereafter be amended: (Parcels numbered by 1993 Assessors'Map
<br />and Block number) 21-79, 2.24 acres east of South Sandwich Road and Fox Hill Road, 50-
<br />27, 4.3 acres east of Payamps Road. near Johns Pond Park, c 53- , 8.4 acres between
<br />Meetinghouse and Noisy Hole Roads adjacent to existing Town conservation lands, excepting that
<br />land within 30 feet of the center line of Noisy Hole Road, d 55-2, .87 acres on the Santut River
<br />adjacent to the will owbend Country Club just south of Route 2, a that portion of 79-17 south of
<br />the Commonwealth Electric Company power line easement, consisting of approximately 25 acres
<br />on the east side of Turner Road adjacent to .conservation lams owned by the Co, xnonwealth of
<br />Massachusetts., M 80- , 1.73 acres, primarily wetlands, adjacent to the previously listed parce ,
<br />92-4, 18.9 acres on the Falmouth Town Line adjacent to conservation lands owned by the
<br />Commonwealth of Massachusetts, h 93-34, 1.18 acres on Red Brook and Polaris Drive, i 97-
<br />249 3.15 acres on Red Brook at Polaris give and adjacent to existing Town conservation lands, j
<br />97-25, 19.8 acres on Great Hay Road adjacent to conservation lards owned by the Bass. Division
<br />f Fisheries & Wildlife, k) 98-15, a 1.6 acre cedar swamp west of Great Hay Roach surrounded
<br />by Town and Mate conservation lands, 1 1 -59, 32 acres on Great River north of Portage
<br />Road, or take any other action relating thereto.
<br />S uhntitted by the Conservation Co recession
<br />0
<br />