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Draft #3- 9/3/93 <br />ArdCle 32: ' *Approve <br />To see if the Town wig vote to amend Article I - Section 79-5.1 of the Mashp a Code to <br />read: R <br />No person o n ng or having the care, custody or control of any dog shall perrmt such dog to soil <br />or defile or con it -any nuisance upon any sidewalk. suet, thoroughfare, -beach or wedand. in or - <br />upon any public property, or in or upon the property of persons other the owner or persons <br />having the care, custody or control of such dog, unless said person picks up any such waste and <br />disposes of same in a sanitary manner. This section shall not -apply t physically handicapped <br />persons m sole custody or control of said dog. The penalty for violation of this section shall be <br />twenty-five dollars $ 5.00) per offense, <br />or take any other action relating thereto. <br />Submined by the Control officer <br />ArtiCle 330 <br />*Approved F ; no <br />To see if the Town will vote to amend Appendix A (sic) of the Personnel Board <br />Adniinisu=on Plan as follows: <br />l T Include the position of Admirfistrative Assistant to the Town Clerk at Grade I o: <br />2) To change the Adminisnative C3erk Elections and Regisaxions Grade <br />to Administrative Assistant to Elections and Regisu=on at Grade 10: <br />3) to change the position of Clerk, Standard Part-T a to (3 r Non -Standard <br />Part -le <br />or take any other action relating thereto. <br />Su tted y petition <br />Ardcle 3: *Approve <br />To see if the town will vote to accept the provisions of Chapter 606, Acts of 191 <br />amending Chapter 138 of the General Laws by inserting af= Simon 12A the following section: <br />,Section .12B. In any city or town which accepts the provisions of this section, no licensee, <br />licensed under the provisions of section twelve, shad suffer or permit any person to appear on said <br />licensed premises in any manner or attire as to expose to public view any portion of the pubic area, <br />anus, vulva or genitals, or any simulation thereof, or shall suffer or permit any fence to appear on <br />licensed ' es in such manner or attire as to expose to view any portion of the breast below the <br />top of the rely or any simulation thereon. Any violadon of the. provisions of this section shall be <br />enforced by the alcoholic beverage control commission and the local authorities. <br />Submitted by petition <br />