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BOARD of SELECTMEN Page <br />MINUTES <br />MONDA EEBER 20r_1993 <br />NEW BUSINESS <br />Memo from the DPW Director re: Pirates Cove <br />Greg Taylor was present to discuss a proposal to resolve <br />the drainage and conservation erosion problems in Pirates cove. <br />Mr, Taylor has proposed to install a new leaching catch basin at <br />120 captain's Row, Mashpee. <br />The repair work will be funded 10 % by homeowners in Pirates <br />Cove indicated Mr. Taylor. <br />***The motion was made by Selectman Mills to approve the above <br />proposal as specified by the DPW Director for drainage and <br />erosion repair in Pirates Cove. The motion was seconded b <br />Selectman Caffyn. VOTE: Unanimous. -o . selectman Costa <br />absent <br />AcceDtance of Bid for Great Oak Road -En ineerin <br />r. Taylor recommended the Board approve the low bier as <br />furnished by Bostwick Engineering in the amount of $11,680 for <br />engineering and survey work related to Great oak Road'. <br />Mr. Taylor noted that two bids were received for engineering <br />and survey work, The firm of B C submitted a cost estimate of <br />.$2,827.0to complete the necessary work on Great oak Road. <br />*The motion was made by selectman -Mills to award the contract <br />for engineering and survey work on Great oak Road to Bostwick <br />Engineering as recommended. The motion was seconded by Selectman <br />Jacobson. VOTE: Unanimous, -0, selectman Costa absent, <br />Communication from south Cape Beach state Park Advisor <br />Committee: <br />***The motion was made by selectman Caffyn to place the <br />reconnmendation of the South Cape Beach Advisory Committee on the <br />Selectmen's agenda. The motion was seconded by selectman Mills. <br />VOTE: Unanimous. -0, Selectman Costa absent, <br />Communication was received from Morris Kirsner dated <br />December 14, 1993 relative to DEM's proposal towards implementing <br />the construction of the New Town Beach. <br />As indicated by Mr. Kirsner, the committee 'voted unanimously <br />to not recommend -the proposal as submitted by the Department of <br />Environmental Management,. <br />40 <br />