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0 <br />2 o. In addition to the Harbormaster and his Assistants enforcing the Inland Water <br />Regulations (Chapter 170, section , the Police Department shall participate in <br />monitoring the use of the Pond and in particular the launching ramp areas. <br />2 1. All ash r en shall avoid accidentally landing lures or hooks on private property. <br />n the event a hook or lure does land on private property the fisherman must <br />remove that hook or lure immediately, without damage. <br />22 Boats shall be restricted to Slow No Wake speed before 8,-00 AEI. Ball Horns <br />n <br />shall not be usedrior to 12:01 PM. <br />23. In accordance with Mashpee Waterways Bylaws, Chapter 70- , seed shall not <br />exceed six miles per hour and no wash shall be created in posted areas nor <br />within within one hundred and,ifty o feet of shore, bathers, divers, small <br />vessels propelled by means other than machinery, vessels _not underway or <br />commercial or private docking or mooring areas. Additionally, speed shall not <br />exceed headway seedjMeed when operated within 150feet of a boat launching -facility. <br />raft, or float, within . feet of shorelinewhich is being used as a swim area, or - <br />when the motorboat at s in a channel in accordance with 323 CMR 2.07(3). <br />24. The attendant for- the town of M a h ee shall close the grate when all ar king <br />spaces have been filled, and no additional boats shall be allowed to launch until <br />space is made available by the departure firom the parking lot of at least one of the <br />boats on its trailer, <br />Page <br />