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6/20/2018 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
6/20/2018 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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Mashpee_Meeting Documents
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Ms. Senatori indicated that the Cape Cod Commission was comprised of several areas of <br /> responsibility to include the Regional Policy Plan (RPP), Districts of Regional Impact (DRI), <br /> Districts of Critical Planning and Concern (DCPC)and the provision of Technical Assistance. <br /> Ms. Senatori stated that Cape Cod was home to 215,000 residents, with 162,000 housing units <br /> and 96,000 employer jobs. Ms. Senatori noted that 85% of the Cape's land mass was already <br /> either protected or developed, with only 15%remaining to either protect or develop. As a result, <br /> it was necessary consider smart ways to develop further. <br /> Regarding seasonal economy, Ms. Senatori pointed out that, in comparison to other state <br /> counties, the Cape featured a higher proportion of seasonal housing,totaling more than 58,000 <br /> units, which was disproportional compared to the rest of the State, though not unlike the Islands. <br /> Ms. Senatori reported that 82% of the Cape's housing featured single family detached units, with <br /> little distribution among the other types of housing units. As a result, there were 26,000 <br /> households faced with a cost burden, spending more than 30% of their income on housing and <br /> suggesting that they would be unable to live in the type of housing units currently available on <br /> the Cape. <br /> Chairman Waygan introduced Mr. Weeden, representing the Tribe as a Native American <br /> Representative on the Commission. Mr. Virgilio expressed his appreciation for the staff of Cape <br /> Cod Commission over his 22 years representing Mashpee, Mr. Weeden echoed those <br /> sentiments, as a member for 3 years, adding that the staff was very efficient, providing <br /> comprehensive reports to assist with decision making. The Chair inquired about the best way for <br /> residents to become notified about the work of the Cape Cod Commission and Ms. Senatori <br /> responded that individuals could sign up on their website to receive a newsletter and be notified <br /> of volunteer opportunities. Ms. Senatori thanked Mr. Weeden for his work on the Commission. <br /> Ms. Senatori stated that the 2009 Regional Policy Plan separated planning and regulatory in <br /> order to develop more definitive and collaborative opportunities with towns on projects, and <br /> assisted with amplifying planning for the staff. Regarding current Commission thresholds,Ms. <br /> Senatori stated that over 10,000 square feet was used for commercial activity and more than 30 <br /> units for residential units. Ms. Senatori noted that the thresholds were being revaluated for the <br /> new RPP. Ms. Senatori summarized that if a proposal triggered a mandatory review with the <br /> aforementioned thresholds, it would be reviewed by the CCC as a Development of Regional <br /> Impact(DRI). If a town's permit granting authority determined,they could send a Discretionary <br /> Referral to the Cape Cod Commission for review if it created regional impacts. Developments <br /> were typically reviewed either as a DRI or in a Development Agreement in coordination with a <br /> municipality, such as with a large phased project. The Chair inquired about the agents that <br /> could send requests from the towns and Ms. Senatori responded that she could provide a list of <br /> agents from Mashpee. <br /> The Local Comprehensive Plan provided for coordinated and consistent regional and local <br /> planning on Cape Cod to improve the region's quality of life and long term sustainability and <br /> requirements to include: <br /> -Plan for capital facilities <br /> -Plan for development of low and moderate income housing consistent with local needs <br /> -Consistent with RPP and Act goals <br /> 2 <br />
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