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Merry Sue made a motion that Peter draft a letter to the Selectmen , <br /> highlighting the points discussed at this meeting , in response to <br /> Bill Jones ' letter. Janice seconded the motion . All members were <br /> in favor. ** <br /> PROJECT MANAGER REPORT <br /> Contracts - both SMMA and Chartwell have signed and delivered their <br /> contracts but have received nothing back from the town . They need signed <br /> contracts to draw up contracts with the subconsultants. Ian asked how to <br /> expedite this process of getting the Selectmen 's signature? <br /> Peter explained he is on the Selectmen ' s agenda on Monday and will talk <br /> with Mr . Whritenour about it . He will ask them to take immediate action , or <br /> have a good reason why they will not . He will do his best to make sure it <br /> gets done. <br /> Bob Fournier said once the contact is signed , SMMA will need a Notice to <br /> Proceed , officially , from the Committee for the schematic design phase . <br /> ** Steve made a motion to give SMMA a notice to Proceed for the <br /> schematic design phase , contingent upon the contract being signed <br /> by the Selectmen . Merry Sue seconded the motion . All members were <br /> in favor . ** <br /> Site Development -the letters to land owners requesting site access <br /> permission read "minor. investigation" . Ian is concerned about trees being <br /> taken down . Bob Whritenour has told him that is sufficient approval and to <br /> proceed with the work . Bob Whritenour will continue to pressure Srynwood <br /> for permission and Ian will continue to pressure Bob. <br /> Bob Fournier said permission to access that area is essential . <br /> Schedule - design and constructability reviews and preliminary schematic <br /> design estimates will be complete by the end of the week and Ian plans to <br /> mare a presentation next Tuesday . It is essential the architects be <br /> present . The architects will attend the meetings on the 12th and 26th . <br /> Value Management workshop - week of July 11th SMMA will make <br /> recommendations for value engineering . 18th and 19th Ian ' s team will hold <br /> their workshop . Chartwell will have the benefit of SMMA ' s list of ideas . <br /> On July 22nd Ian ' s team and SMMA ' s team will meet to discuss , review and <br /> prioritize all the recommendations . <br /> Ian suggested a few members of the Committee attend, especially the <br /> brainstorming session . <br /> FF & E - Michael Pare said he got the reduced layout plans but he needs <br /> room dimensions . The dimensions of a typical classroom is needed to serve <br /> as a reference. <br /> Classroom is 24 ft x 30 ft. <br /> The furnishings subcommittee will make a presentation next week . <br /> Budget - Daedalus has almost completed a detailed schematic design <br /> estimate for the preliminary design plans and elevations . The architects <br /> presented a document to the Committee listing the materials they are using , <br /> as a baseline , to cost out the building . <br /> Paul said he has a problem with this . They are asking the Committee to <br /> approve this and everything else will be value added . He does not want to <br /> start with a low base . <br /> Bob Fournier said that is not what they are asking . This document is just <br /> 3 <br />