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-- Lights i n the courtyard will be a vandalism problem, they should be on <br /> the building , out of reach . <br /> Paul questioned the need for a loading dock. They are only as good as <br /> the size of the truck that arrives, scissor lifts are a good alternative., <br /> Review the need for a retaining wall ]. <br /> Why are there 2 water services? Bob said usually the Fire Department <br /> wants a continuous loop with 2 tie ins in case something happens to one. <br /> -� why a 6 ,000 ga11on grease trap - that seems excess i ve. <br /> Why isn 't the oil tank next to the building? Bob said they are trying to <br /> keep it as far away from the well site as possible. <br /> Paul said the water District sent a letter stating their concerns about an <br /> oil tank on site. <br /> -Some places still show granite, needs to be poured in place concrete. <br /> Need to see a detail of the clock/PA system. <br /> Display cabinets - too many, they are expensive. Do they have a purpose? <br /> Metal column in the hallways, will get destroyed , maintenance p rob l em. <br /> Review this design . <br /> Dare Rich from the water District joined the meeting. Paul read M r. Rich ' s <br /> letter to the committee. Mr. Rich explained these concerns are his, not <br /> those of the water Commissioners, <br /> M r. Rich said his concern is the 16 ,000 gallon oil tank adjacent to the <br /> wastewater treatment plant. It is in close proximity to a P1 well site and <br /> numerous other private wells. He i s concerned about the scope of <br /> contamination should a spill occur and the effects a high volume spill <br /> would have on the Quas h net River. <br /> He also has concerns about the generator using diesel . <br /> Bob explained they can' t use gas because it is an interuptable source of <br /> energy . could use all propane. <br /> Raul told Mr. Rich the Committee will research i t further . <br /> M r. Rich is also concerned about the oil tank , <br /> Paul explained the committee takes the issue of oil spills very seriously. <br /> The tare will be in a precast concrete vault to contain any spills. <br /> Loading of the fuel will have a flow back, to the containment unit. <br /> He explained , the project manager did a value analysis on the duel fuel <br /> system. To use a duel fuel system today there would be a $70-80 , 000 <br /> savings. He would be happy to use only gas except for the savings . <br /> Mr. Rich said oil fluctuates more than gas . He is concerned what the <br /> saving will be in a couple of years. <br /> Bill said the corn Electric Canal plant i s converting to duel fuel because <br /> of the savings , <br /> Raul said his research shows when the soviet Union starts competing with <br /> OPEC prices will cone down. <br /> Mr. Rich explained he didn ' t even know there was a concrete tank there or <br /> why it was being done, he only saw the oil tank . That is why he is here <br /> tog et more information . <br /> Paul said it will not be a project cost savings but an operational savings . <br /> The committee will provide the engineer with Mr. Rich's input and will take <br /> the issue very seriously. <br /> Mr, Rich said he would like the opportunity to give input on the <br /> containment so he is as comfortable as he can be. <br />