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begin again . <br /> Joe said SMMA Feels Woodard and cur ren ' s approach i s to serve this <br /> Committee' s interests as best they can. They will touch base with thea <br /> again . <br /> Paul explained that Woodard and Curren have to sharpen their pencil -dor <br /> their cost estimates. Also, the estimate received from C f omag 1 ass for <br /> their system was not for a complete system. Papal told h im to meet with <br /> Elias McQuaid and do a complete estimate if they want to be considered . <br /> Joe will check with Elias on that tomorrow. <br /> Steve said he asked Bob Hines, c romag l ass to price out an entire system and <br /> it was in the range of what the Committee thought it should be . <br /> Steve said they also tolked about the treatment process of the waste from <br /> the chem labs with DEP; They suggested , if a handling program is developed <br /> that prevents toxic waste form every going down the drain -- containerized - <br /> with only the final rinse going down the drain, i t would be fine with them. <br /> The school system has to develop a handling policy to submit to DEP. <br /> Joel said they have started the re-design and remove the storage system f o r <br /> hazardous waste , DEP suggested contacting Marshfield because they just <br /> completed a similar handling policy* <br /> Bill mart i ros will talk to Marshfield about the hazardous waste management <br /> plan . <br /> The committee agreed to produce a policy and not a system. <br /> Steve believes proper sizing of the plant i s essential . The closer it is to <br /> the correct target (gallons per day) the easier it will be to handle and to <br /> reach the targeted discharge of 5 pante per million . <br /> SCHEDULE <br /> Paul reminded Joel the revised schedule should s hew the two additional line <br /> items talked about last week . <br /> Ian asked who should attend the workshop on February loth? <br /> All Committee members should attend . <br /> Paul explained that it is a contingency meeting date in case the estimate <br /> cones in over budget. if it i s on target, there will be no workshop but <br /> will be peer review instead. <br /> Joel said there are additional surveying fees related to the geological <br /> investigation for design of the treatment plant. They installed pi ometers <br /> near the river , and 4 bo r i ngs for monitoring wells . They need to be located <br /> accurately with the survey. <br /> Paul said it i s all covered under re i mbu rsab l es. They have not choice but <br /> to do it. <br /> CLEARING AND GRUBBING PACKAGE . <br /> Joel faxed their revised proposal to Paul at work but he was not there, <br /> He stated Cape cod Commission and MEPA have asked for a few days to talk <br /> about granting permission to begin work early. Now they asked SMMA to put <br /> the request in writing , which they did and faxed to them yesterday . <br /> Joel explained the breakdown of the clearing and grubbing proposa1 . The new <br /> 8 <br />