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Today he spoke with 2 microbiologists , experts in this field , to see if <br /> there are any other opt l on.s . Their main interest is in the health of the <br /> occupants of the building . Mr. Hamilton gave them this information: <br /> - New air filters were recently peat in, which is important @, <br /> - They asked if we are having a lot of water events in the school since <br /> August 26th? After a leak it takes 3 weeks for mold to grow and cause a <br /> problem. To the best of his knowledge he told them there have been no <br /> leaks in those same places to keep the growth going , Those areas have been <br /> remediated. <br /> - Are you getting fresh air into the school? Have the systems been <br /> balanced? The systems have been balanced. <br /> The two biologists offered another option; <br /> The species of fungi is the same as that found outdoors . The a.mpl.i f i c at i o n <br /> is not toxigenic. It would not typically cause people to have a. reaction. <br /> To occupy the school would be feasible but -you must re-monitor. Don' t <br /> clean first because that will stir things up. If the school is re-tested , <br /> they could have preliminary data by Enid part of next week. It will not be <br /> spec la.ted but it willshow i f there i s an amplification in an area. and that <br /> area could immediately be treated <br /> Their analogy was to that of mowing your lawn. <br /> By mid week of next week, if an area shows an amplification, you will have <br /> a procedure i.n place on how to deal with it . (Clean room, re-test . ) <br /> Mr. Hamilton said this is new information that he dial not have last night . <br /> Mr. Hamilton said the aldehyde levels were very low and the VOCs were very <br /> good, except for 1 room which had paint spilled and cleaned with thinner , <br /> which would show up in the sample . <br /> Mike pie trowski. asked if after* they cut a, gall and replaced it due to mold, <br /> can the fungus st i 11 grow in the insulation? <br /> Mr. Hamilton said wherever there is water for it to grog it will . If the <br /> Insulat ion is still wet it can grow. It will go dormant as long as it i s <br /> dry. If it gets wet again it will begin to grow again. <br /> Mike asked about water soaking a ceiling tile . <br /> Mr. Hamilton said that is thea a. potentia growth site . Tiles often contain <br /> starch and cellulose . If 'it was wet for 3 weeks or more , throw it out and <br /> replace it . <br /> Ian said the y mentioned washing down the walls , should they also clean the <br /> ceiling tiles? <br /> Mr. Hamilton said they suggest dry vacuuming all the surfaces in the room. <br /> Paul asked If they should re-test the original 22 areas tested, only those <br /> 4 with high counts or the entire building? <br /> Mr. Hamilton said every room. If they sample on Thursday they will have <br /> preliminary data next Wednesday to know i f there is an amplification but it <br /> could not be speciated until the 10th day. <br /> Paul asked how long it takes to collect the data's <br /> 5-7 minutes per room. <br /> 6 <br />