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F <br /> M <br /> l <br /> Paul made a motion to forward to the Selectmen for their approval and payment the <br /> following invoices: <br /> -Mashpee water District: $2,095,98 <br /> i l YNEX4 $292.94 <br /> -lay sign co. $240, <br /> -EMED Co. $140. <br /> WOF $1,856.25 <br /> - As you Like it Cleaners $4,479.96 <br /> -Colonial Gas$183.01 <br /> Paul explained the gas and water bills Stone is supposed to be paying. Day sign is for temporary <br /> signs, which is recoverable. EWD, line painting out front. As you Like it for general cleaning <br /> due to Stone's failure to clean correctly. <br /> ** 6 members in favor, Steve Greelish abstained. <br /> Budget Statement-continued <br /> Toni wren presented a budget statement which the Committee reviewed. As of the end of <br /> December, $23.5 million was spent. <br /> All additional expenses are being trached. They were passed onto Pat Costello who included <br /> them in his letter to Store last week. <br /> Pg. 1 #2: there are a number of claims from Store that have not been approved by SNMIA but <br /> not formally rejected. Joel needs to tell us if they are a dead issue or not. <br /> #7 includes costs if the remaining work has to be re-bid. <br /> Paul does not thinly this should be included, it is not part of the project costs, it is a litigation <br /> issue. Tom said it is taken out on lire 9. <br /> Chartwell does not thinks the $28.7 million will be exceeded and listed 5 reasons why. <br /> Paul explained that liquidated damages are the costs incurred by the town, or the fire. It is the <br /> -greater of one or the other, not both. <br /> Page 16: actual additional expenses incurred is $256,854. <br /> Paul explained that Joel is not here today because Paul spoke with SNRAA to determine if Joel is <br /> needed at these meetings. The answer was clearly no. He may come once per month, only if <br /> construction issues are to be discussed. <br /> John Williams said some vendors are calling hire looping for payment, some of Manny Tavares <br /> vendors. They said Manny told them to call John. The air quality equipment vendor is looking <br /> for payment. <br /> Paul said we need to made a reasonable effort to pay these vendors,just because we don't <br /> unpack the shipped items immediately doesn't mean the vendors should have to finance it. <br /> Jim Byrne and John Williams will work on getting this resolved. <br /> John Williams said they are still waiting for the shop equipment to be moved. <br /> Jim said a purchase order was issued. They will probably do it over Feb. vacation, <br /> Jim said there are 2 treadmills that need 220 volts, can the school electrician do that work.? <br />