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issued Subdivision Approval and Special Permit, by date and recording information. Two separate <br /> notices would be needed. There was consensus from the Board to move forward with scheduling the <br /> Public Hearings. Mr. Lehrer confirmed that the earliest date to schedule a hearing would be during the <br /> second meeting of September. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion to publish a notice of a Public Hearing to consider an <br /> amendment to the approval of the Ockway Highlands Subdivision at 7:20 on September 19"'. <br /> Mr. Kooharian seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion to publish a notice of a Public Hearing to consider an <br /> amendment to the approval of the Ockway Highlands Special Permit at 7:30 oil September 191". <br /> Mr. Kooharian seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> Mr. Rowley confirmed that notice for the Special Permit would be to abutters within 300 feet and <br /> direct abutters for the Subdivision. The Chair inquired whether Ms. Connolly could consult with Mr. <br /> Lehrer on the issue, as needed. There was agreement from Ms. Connolly and Mr. Collins. Mr. Lehrer <br /> confirmed that he would inform the developer about the hearings and the Chair asked that he also <br /> notify Mr. Morin that she specifically requests that the hay bales be placed as previously required. <br /> Discussion Regarding Windchime Special Permit & WWTP Upgrade-Mr. Lehrer reported <br /> that he spoke with David Bennett, representing Windchime, who indicated that they intended to submit <br /> an application to modify their Special Permit at the end of September. <br /> The Chair requested that Planning Staff Updates remain as an item on the agenda, suggesting <br /> categories such as "Applications Received," so that Planning Board members are notified of activities <br /> of the Planning Department. Mr. Lehrer was in agreement. <br /> Mr. Lehrer reported that there had been a clerical error regarding Mr. Rowley's May/June Southport <br /> services invoice payment, in the amount of$250. Mr. Lehrer asked that the Board take another vote to <br /> approve release of the $250 for Mr. Rowley's services rendered at Southport in May and June. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion to pay Mr. Rowley $250 for inspections at Southport <br /> for May and June. Mr. Kooharian seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> It was clarified that payment from Southport had been received and deposited but the funds not <br /> released, possibly due to late receipt of the funds and/or staffing constraints in the Planning <br /> Department. <br /> Chairman's Report-The Chair reported that she had drafted a memo to the Board of <br /> Selectmen identifying the Planning Board's need for an independent consultant to address issues <br /> related to Form-Based Code, The Chair read for the record the memo. There was consensus from the <br /> Board to submit the memo. <br /> Cape Cod Commission-Mr. Weeden confirmed that a draft of the Regional Policy Plan <br /> 8 <br />