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4/17/2014 HUMAN SERVICES Minutes
4/17/2014 HUMAN SERVICES Minutes
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possibly go to the October town meeting for more funding. Joyce Mason n arcs said the Human <br /> Services Committee could pursue grants and John Cahalane noted if the grant requires town <br /> matching funds, FIS would have to go to the Selectmen. <br /> Janice Walford explained she met with Bill Hough, 'Editor of the Enterprise Newspapers. The <br /> Enterprise Community Fund raises $150,000 for the Falmouth Service Center and she spoke to Bill <br /> about doing something in the Mashpee Enterprise for the Il ashp a reeds for the hungry. Bill said <br /> he was very supportive of the idea and suggested doing the fundraiser during the summer.r. Joyce <br /> Eason agreed and stated the town could set up a non-profit, if required, so the donations could be <br /> tax deductible. They also asked Joyce if the Human Service Department Office could be used as a <br /> drop off site for non-perishable goods on the day when a volunteer is present to receive them. <br /> Joyce approved. Janice reported they also asked Joyce if the basement in the Human Services <br /> building could be cleaned out because it was a health hazard. Jayne Mason assured them this <br /> would be done by the end of May. There was a discussion on the contents of what was in the <br /> basement. <br /> Janice Walford felt the meeting was very productive recapped the meeting in which they discussed <br /> funding, pursuing grants, working on a community fund drive, and having the building as a drop off <br /> site for non--perishable groups which could be advertised on the website. The goods would only b <br /> non-perishable. It was clarified that the committee members would bring the iters to the food <br /> pantry. It was also noted that when advertising to include it no outdated Iters" be donated. <br /> There wras also a discussion on the writing of grants and the process involved depending upon the <br /> type of grant. <br /> The Chair as well as the committee members thanked Janice Walford for all of her work. <br /> NEIN BUSINESS <br /> Discussion about Upcoming Food Drive at Town Meeting on May 5, 2014 <br /> Gail Wilson wanted to coordinate with everyone the upcoming food drive. It was decided that the <br /> focus would be on torn meeting. Gail said she would prepare an article for the newspaper. <br /> Veronica Warden volunteered to help with the food drive at town meeting. <br /> Review Proposed Funding Guidelines for Hannan services Contracts <br /> Gail Wilson distributed a draft of criteria for contract requests for the members review. She noted <br /> she developed a data foram that the agencies would need to fill out and submit to the Human <br /> Services Committee. Also included in the packet was list of presentations and site visits HS should <br /> be keeping a record of. She also attached the list of the contracts. Lynne Waterman suggested in <br /> the list of criteria, the word Ucommunity" be changed to "Mashpee 23 and also including the percentage <br /> of Mashpee residents served. Lynne also suggested including "ghat percentage of their budget, <br /> does our contract represent to there"? and "What specific services are they giving to Mashpee <br /> residents'? Lynne explained if we were to stop giving this particular agency any ,money what specific <br /> program, or services would be cut? <br /> The members agreed that the data requested covers all of the information they need. It was also <br /> suggested to change#6 to read "Would there be an impact if the agency no longer received money <br /> from Mashpee Human Services"? Gail Wilson would review the suggestions and include them in the <br /> revised document and bring the document back to the committee for final approval. <br /> 2 <br />
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