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4/17/2014 HUMAN SERVICES Minutes
4/17/2014 HUMAN SERVICES Minutes
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Fruth Elias reiterated that once the contract goes out and the members sign the contract with the <br /> amount on it, we are obligated to that amount. <br /> Examine Calendar for Monthly Presentations <br /> Gail Wilson n inf rmed the Board that the Community Health Center will be attending the May <br /> meeting. The members agreed to invite the Salvation Army to the June meeting and Capeabilities t <br /> the .duly meeting. The members also agreed to schedule site visits with some of the agencies <br /> previously not visited. Gail would also schedule Child Development, Fairw Inds, Independence <br /> House to come into one of their meetings. <br /> A. Coordinator's Deport— Highlights <br /> Gail Wilson distributed her report for April. <br /> Gail Wilson distributed the Mashpee Cares card to the members and explained Mashpee Cares is <br /> trying to have a voice and a focus and they have also developed a mission statement. Initially, <br /> Mashpee Cares was a large group of parents and community people talking about drug use. Now it <br /> is a small group and they are looking for their next evert and decided to do something with Chief <br /> Collins. The first event will be on May g at the library at 6 p.m. and the cards will be handed out. <br /> Gail stated Mashpee Cares came up with a mission statement so they can try to figure out what in <br /> the community they can do to try to pull people together. Janice Walford asked what the difference <br /> between health and wellness is. Gail Wilson explained health is physical and mental health and <br /> wellness is the general quality of life issues. She also explained the group is trying to target drug <br /> abuse, bullying, crime, poverty and suicide as well as including elders. There was also a discussion <br /> on elders-being scammed which can be reported to Elder Services. Gail said they are trying to put <br /> together a presentation for the Human Rights Commission so we can go to the Selectmen and make <br /> therm aware of the senior issues. Gail said she is advocating for seniors who are having a hard time <br /> paying for their bills. <br /> Meeting's <br /> ERCT MEETING <br /> The next meeting was scheduled for Thursday, May 15, 2014, 2:00 PM at the Human Services <br /> office. <br /> ADJOURNMENT <br /> As there was no further business, Elinor Diener made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. <br /> Veronica Warden seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 3:35 PM. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Judy Daignea <br /> Recording Secretary <br />
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