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Domestic ViolencelAddiction. Gail Wilson reported an increase in cor ple c domestic violence <br /> cases in the last month. Also, there has been an increase in family members reeding help with <br /> addiction problems. Gail Wilson stated-that Gosnold has ars Intervention phone number to call for <br /> help with families faced with addiction crises. Mary Scanlan recommended the name of a contact at <br /> Independence House for future reference: Robin Trainer, a former professor who has had a lot of <br /> interest in domestic violence and is on the Partnership committee with Habitat. <br /> * Contract Budgets. The committee agreed that discussion of contract budget decisions for F <br /> 2016 should commence much sooner rather than later. Gail Wilson will prepare a draft of criteria for <br /> contract requests for review at the next meeting. November 2014 is the Town Managers s deadline <br /> i for decisions on proposed contract budgets. <br /> Mashpee Community Health Center. Director Karen Gardner will be invited to attend the April <br /> 24th Human services Committee meeting, with south Bay Mental Health a backup up invitee should Ms. <br /> Gardner be unavailable. <br /> B. Multi-Searle center sub-committee Exploratory Report -Janice Walford <br /> Janice Walford prefaced her remarks by stressing the point that this sub-committee is engaged in <br /> the process of exploring the possibility-of establishing a Mashpee Multi-Service Center. The <br /> committee is in no way making any decisions as to the establishment of such a center. When <br /> talking to anyone outside this committee about the issue, it needs to be rade clear that it is an <br /> exploratory group: we are having initial exploratory conversations with St. Vincent de Paul and with <br /> the Falmouth Service Center. It is also important for the committee to gain the support of the Board <br /> of selectmen, the Finance Committee and the Town Adiministr tion for the project. <br /> Janice Walford distributed a packet of information to each committee member that included the <br /> following: <br /> *Mashpee Human services MHS Multi-Service Center Talking Points <br /> 'dotes from the Joint Meeting with St. Vincent DePaul SVdeP February 27, 2014 <br /> *Tallying Points for the MHS Meeting with SVdeP on February 27, 201 <br /> * Christ the Ding Mission statement <br /> * Falmouth service Center FSC Mission statement <br /> * FSC Food Distribution statistics <br /> * FSC Budget for 2012 and 2013 <br /> * Dotes from FSC Site Visit on ( larch 17, 2014 <br /> * FSC 2013 Director's Report <br /> *SVdeP Food Pantry statistics from 2007-201 <br /> Janice Walford reviewed with the HSC the sub-committee site meetings with both St. Vincent <br /> DePaul and the Falmouth Service Center, and their plan to meet again next Thursday with SVdeP to <br /> get their thoughts as to how they would envision working together with MHS in the operation of a <br /> Mashpee food pantry. <br /> Brenda swain advised that one person should be hired to oversee the day-to-day operation of the <br /> building, and also shared valuable insight as to how to raise funds to pay for the building in a short <br /> period of time. Janice Walford has investigated the possibility of building a pre-fabricated structure, <br /> which would represent a significant savings in building costs. <br /> Lynne Waterman suggested the idea of researching ai different name for a service center other than <br /> "Mashpee service center"to avoid confusion with a Mashpee senior Center group already <br /> established with a similar name. <br /> 2 <br />