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i <br /> r <br /> 1 <br /> e <br /> . Recruit ruit volunteers to assist with the fuel assistance program as well as ongoing routine office <br /> work. <br /> By-laws Update. The committee members were in agreement that the Human Services <br /> Committee 1999 By-Laws were overdue for an update. <br /> One particular By-Law issue was raised regarding the procedure to be followed when a committee <br /> member has been absent for three consecutive meetings. John Cahalane stated that the Hoard of <br /> Selectmen, upon request from the committee, may remove an absentee member from the <br /> committee membership roster. In the case of the Recreation D p rtment Director, who has not <br /> been attending meetings, it was decided that Gail Wilson should meet with the Director to explain <br /> her responsibility to attend in order to represent the Recreation Department at Human Services <br /> meetings. It was further recommended that the Recreation Department Director be urged to,attend <br /> a meeting in order t form an opinion ars t 'the value of ar Recreation Department representative at <br /> Human Services committee meetings. Depending upon her decision, the Recreation Director may <br /> appoint a representative from her department to attend the meetings or may elect to withdraw the <br /> Recreation Department appointment to the Human Services Committee. <br /> John C h lane started thatn significant changes in committee by-laws must g before Town <br /> Meeting for,approval. - <br /> Goals for FY 201 <br /> 1 Criteria for funding of the Human Services contracts. Gail Wilson will email to the committee a <br /> copy of her current draft list of criteria for their review in preparation for discussion at the nett <br /> meeting. Additional contracts should also be considered, as well as possible changes to the current <br /> list of agencies. <br /> 2) Janice Walferd stated that the committee members should also determine whether the current <br /> allotted Town budget lire item of$35,099 is sufficient to cover the needs of the I lashp e <br /> community, in preparation for making the case to go to Town Meeting to request that the contract <br /> line Item in the budget be increased. <br /> 3 Grants. Fruth Elias suggested that step one should be to meet with the Barnstable County grant <br /> writer to get a feel for the best way to approach requests for grants. <br /> Coordinator Deport Highlights <br /> 1 Gail Wilson displayed the two "Thanks for Giving" plaques that are now completed and ready for <br /> hanging at Town Hall. John Cahalane agreed to handle the project of coordinating with Joyce <br /> Mason the placement of the plaques at Town Hall. <br /> i 2 Gail Wilson reported on a Department Fled meeting at Town Hall with Jaye Mason where it <br /> was decided that a company will be hind to do an evaluation of the salaries of I ar hpee department <br /> heads compared with other Cape Cod towns. John Dahalane stated that Mashpee is at the lower <br /> end of the salary base. <br /> 3) <br /> Gail virson reported that Il signed contracts for 2014E have been received with the exception of <br /> St. Vincent de Paul and Falmouth Service Center. St. Vincent de Paul had questions regarding the <br /> wording of the contract. <br /> i Gail Wilson has received permission from the Town Clerk to begin shredding client files that are <br /> dated beyond seven years. The shredding will take place at.the Town Clerk's office by Deb Dami <br /> and Gail Wilson. <br /> 2 <br /> i <br />