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Tom Fudala reviewed with the committee his comments on the phasing plans of the draft final plan, <br /> which were acted by Jeff Gregg. Tom Fudala and ,teff Gregg agreed to meet after April 8th to go. <br /> over Mr. Fudala's requested changes marked up on his final draft copy. <br /> ,teff Gregg stated that he would be writing an executive summary to be incorporated into the Final <br /> Plan. <br /> CAPE COD COMMISSION CAPE-WIDE WASTEWATER 208 PLAN <br /> Torn Fudala stated his impression that the 208 Plan the Cape Cod Commission (CCC) is coming up <br /> with is merely a list of surer alternatives first, i.e., fertilizer management control, and storm water <br /> management to the extreme. Tom Fudala raised the question as to confirmation of the Cape Cod <br /> Commission (CCC) meeting date that was scheduled originally for Tuesday, April �' at :30 PM. As <br /> Paul Nied wicki was unable to make this date, a new date was to be scheduled. Jeff Gregg agreed <br /> to follow up to confirm the rescheduled CCC meeting date. <br /> NEXT MEETING <br /> The next meeting of the Sewer Commission is scheduled for Thursday, April 17, 2014, :oo PM. <br /> ADJOURNMENT <br /> As there was no further business, Tom Bums made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. hark <br /> Gurnee seconded the motion. The motion was approved. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Ina G. schlob m <br /> Recording Secretary <br />