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T [Aginda' topie'31 Lake Measurements, . <br /> River Clean-out <br /> Discussion: Barbara took the Feb. measurements on the 1 t and 24th when the lake level was 55.3 and <br /> 55.6 with 12 and 1 inches of rater flowing over the board closest to the lake. The March 9"` and 21 'lake <br /> levels were both 55A, with 15 and. 14 'inches of water flowing over the board. Barbara emailed the levels <br /> to Drew McManus in Conservation and asked about the spring river clean out. Drew responded that. <br /> AmeriC rps had walked the river to clean out over-hanging brush about 2 weeks before, and he would ask <br /> DPW to remove the sand built up in front and behind the fisway in the next geek or s . A large amount <br /> of rain is expected this weekend. The ice went out last week. <br /> 5 <br /> Conclusions: Lake level is stable on the higher end. River sand clean out is planned for next week. <br /> y yY <br /> [Agenda topic 4] Spring Newsletter : <br /> Discussion: Proposed articles for the spring newsletter are the list of lass tournaments,ments,the article about <br /> moorings being pulled if not inspected, and about Angel vying, a problem caused by feeding Wild ducks <br /> bread products which causes a deformity of the vying so they cannot fly. Diane will submit an article about <br /> changes at Lowell Dolly. <br /> Conclusions: irk is beginning on the spring newsletter. <br /> [Agenda topic ] MWL MC Vacancy a : <br /> Discussion: This committee still has a vacancy which needs to be filled. Andrew will contact someone he <br /> knows who might be interested., <br /> Conclusions: The committee remains. <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 5:44 P.M. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Barbara B. Nichols <br />