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[Agenda topic ] Harbormaster Report <br /> Discussion: Stephen Mone, Harbormaster, reported that he had lost several' No wake' markers when <br /> someone removed the caps and sank them. He felt the summer had gone well with the beach closure <br /> discouraging some of the jet ski and fast boat crowd. He mentioned he had given several verbal warnings <br /> and now had ticket books to write warnings. When Linda asked about the number of citations written, h <br /> mentioned that his emphasis was o "trying to educate"the public. He did say that violation of the swim <br /> area markers would be ticketed. The death of ars assistant harbormaster did limit coverage on the lakes. <br /> Barbara mentioned that once the sv *m markers were removed at Dowell Holly the fast loud boats returned <br /> in September. Again, it was mentioned that the boating season on the late was much more civilized this <br /> summer due to the beach closure <br /> Stephen mentioned the larger boats on the lake this year and wondered if the conunittee'vold be <br /> interested in trying to limit the size of boats. A ruling on this would have to be passed by both Mashpe <br /> and Sandwich and then seat to the Mate. The committee voted -o to ask the Town to limit the size of <br /> boats on the lake to 26 ft. in length. <br /> Conclusions: The Harbormaster emphasized education and.warnings rather that ticketing for violations. <br /> The idea of limiting boat size on the lake was approved by the committee. <br /> 4.. [Agenda topic 41 Lowell Molly <br /> Diseusson; Diane Lang stated that it was "very likely"that the beach closure to motorized boats would <br /> continue next.season. She stated the permit system was very hard to police and be consistent 7 days a <br /> week. She felt the beach still needed time to recover from the misuse over the past few years. <br /> Conclusions: The Lowell Holly beach will likely remain closed for the 2015 season. <br /> [Agenda topic ] <br /> P rt - a A- <br /> Di cussion: The corrimittee welcomed Donald MacDonald ld as the newest committee member. Don is also <br /> on the waterways committee and can help keep both informed. <br /> Conclusions: The committee now has five e active members, with Don M c onald's appointment. <br /> ent. <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 8-37 P.M. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Barbara B.Nichol <br />