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Draft I - March 16, 1995 <br /> Explanation: The Board of Trustees is requesting that library staff classifications <br /> 10 <br /> be upgraded to the level of other Town positions requiring similar levels of skills and <br /> are performing comparable work. The Circulation Assistants are the only Town <br /> employees in Grade 3, while clerical employees in Town positions are Grade 4 or <br /> higher. The training and skills required of the Library Assistant are greater than the <br /> present Grade 8's which are secretarial positions. The level of skills, training and <br /> responsibility required of the Library Assistant is comparable to positions in Grade <br /> 10. <br /> Article ll. <br /> To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, borrow or transfer from <br /> available funds the sum of $30,758.64 to the DPW Salary/Wage Account to fund <br /> one Heavy Equipment Operator position to be expended as follows: $25,044 to the <br /> DPW Salary/Wage Account, $5,276.64 to the Health Insurance Account, $404 to <br /> the Medicare Account, and $34 Group Insurance Account, or take any other action <br /> relating thereto <br /> Submitted by the DPW Director <br /> Explanation: DPW is responsible for eight Town buildings, Town roads, <br /> Heritage Park, and Town beaches. In order to provide more capable service to the <br /> residents and property owners of Mashpee, we request to increase the staff level <br /> from 12 to 14, which was the number of staff present in 1988. <br /> Article l2. <br /> UU <br /> To see if the Town will vote raise and appy nate, borrow or transfer from <br /> available funds the sum of $26,26 . 4 to the DPW Salary/Wage Account to fund <br /> one Truck Driver position to be ex�end�&as� follows: $20,551 to the DPW <br /> Salary/Wage Account, $5,276.64 to theme ealth Insurance Account, $404 to the <br /> Medicare Account., and $34 Group ln�uranc ccount, or take any other action <br /> relating thereto. / <br /> � Submitted by the DPW Director <br /> Explanation: DPW is responsible for eight Town buildings, Town roads, <br /> Heritage park, and Town beaches. In order to provide more capable service to the <br /> residents and property owners of Mashpee, we request to increase the staff level <br /> from 12 to 14, which was the number of staff present in 1988. <br /> Page 5 <br />