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4 <br /> Page <br /> Long Range Plan <br /> The Committee reviewed a final draft of the Lona Range Plan <br /> submitted by Deirdre Greelish, Mr, Bacigalupi noted that on the <br /> Revenue page under Local Receipts $200,000+ was not included in the <br /> State Aid figure. Mr, Bacigalupi stated that this would lower the <br /> Tax Rate, Mr, Goggin agreed that this figure should be changed to <br /> include the excess 2001 . Mr. Bacigalupi also questioned as to <br /> whether the Finance Committee had ever investigated why fines and <br /> fees went from approximately $330,000 t $6,000 from 1993 to 1994? <br /> Mr. Goggin suggested that Mr. Bacigalupi contact the deputy at the <br /> Police Department and have hire answer this question. <br /> Mr. Goggin stated that he believed that the Long Range Plan which <br /> shows $5 ,464 ,500 being allocated to the School Department in FY9 <br /> is right in line with their goal of meeting the Education Reform <br /> Act in the next five or six years. Mr. Bacigalupi mentioned that <br /> the Committee should consider a wage adjustment factor. He <br /> mentioned that the Committee i <br />