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Page <br /> King asked if he wished to not include start up costs, she <br /> believed that the plan had to expect at least this much. Mr. <br /> i Ferriday also mentioned that Mashpee High school would need to <br /> offer as many programs as Falmouth and other Towns, without as zany <br /> students, Mr. Golub felt that it is a big wish list and should be <br /> cut down a bit. Mr. Gallo stated that you need to consider what <br /> the parents want. <br /> Mr. Goggin stated that the Financial Plan contains the goal of <br /> funding to meet the Education Reform Act. Mr, Bacigalupi states <br /> that lois numbers are all lower except for one year. He asked Mr, <br /> Goggin to explain why he is comfortable with these numbers and not <br /> with the numbers provided by him? Mr. Goggin explained that he <br /> expected the school liaison to be the expert on these numbers and <br /> to recommend the figure to the Committee. Ms. King again noted <br /> that she would drop the inflation and growth rate to %. she <br /> indicated that by the year 2000 they should meet the Education <br /> Reform Act, <br /> M . King also mentioned that she did not feel that the Finance <br /> Committee could tell parents ghat the high school should or should <br /> not have, Mr. Ferriday also agreed that this is an area the <br /> Finance Committee does not belong in. Mr. Ferriday also felt that <br /> the Finance committee has to be correct in calculating revenues and <br /> the Education Deform Act. It the Act is valid then the Finance <br /> Committee should follow and meet it. If the Town can give the <br /> school or any other department more money and still be fiscally <br /> responsible then he felt that it would be fine. This cannot be <br /> determined, he believed until -all of the departmentls budgets have <br /> been completed and* reviewed, <br /> Mr, ' Golub stated that the Committee should decide to either except <br /> this Long Range Plan or not, The figures seemed fine and it was <br /> the best estimates of the Finance committee. Mr. Golub noted that <br /> when the real budgets come in then the Committee could see where <br /> they really were with their predictions. Mr. Bacigalupi stated <br /> that the figures are incorrect for actual expenditures for certain <br /> departments according to the Town Report_ printout. Mr. Goggin <br /> disagreed, He stated that the numbers were accurate and the <br /> discrepancy was due to classifications. Mr. Bacigalupi and Mr. <br /> Goggin agreed to meet at a future time to compare their numbers and <br /> bring to the Committee the correct numbers, so that the Long Range <br /> Plan can finally be completed. Mr. Gallo also suggested meeti <br />