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Page <br /> spearing with Dr. DeMoura the following day and would also be <br /> notifying the newspapers, She did mention that she attended the <br /> Board of Selectmen's meeting the previous evening and she felt that <br /> Selectman Costa and possibly Selectman Dills and Caffyn would <br /> support this number, Mr. Ferriday felt that this was the best way <br /> for the Finance Committee to establish credit with the Town, He <br /> felt that the Finance Committee had to state their recommendation <br /> and stick to it, not start out too low or too high. Mr. Golub <br /> mentioned that 'it was his opinion that the Finance Committee may be <br /> treating education as a specialty iter. he asked if the Committee <br /> was short dealing the other departments by placing the School <br /> Department on a separate platform? Mr. Goggia responded that the <br /> goal of the Finance Committee was to follow the Education Deform <br /> Act and that ii� what they were doing. <br /> Mr. Goggin asked that the Committee vote on the Plan so that it can, <br /> be published and furnished to everyone. Ms. Greelish stated that <br /> when the final version is printed the classification page should be <br /> printed again. John Ferriday MOTIONED to accept the Long Range <br /> Plan as presented on January 10, 1995, Ms. King seconded the <br /> Motion and members approved the Long Mange Plan by a unanimous vote <br /> f -0, <br /> Report of the Finance Committee <br /> The Finance Committee reviewed the Report and made editorial <br /> comments. Mr. Golub stated that he believed the paragraph <br /> pertaining to the Long Range Plan needed to be strengthened to show <br /> that the Committee intends to recommend that the Town live within <br /> their means, John Ferriday MOTIONED to adopt the Motto "TO LIVE <br /> WITHIN OUR MEANS" , Ms, King seconded the Motion and members voted <br /> unanimously to accept this to be the Finance Committee's motto. <br /> Marcia King MOTIONED to accept the Town Report except for the <br /> editorial comments. Tony Gallo seconded the Lotion and members <br /> approved -0 . <br /> Capital Committee <br /> Mr. Goggin provided copies of the departments' capital requests and <br /> asked that the Committee members review. He mentioned that he has <br /> asked Sid Golub to join him at the Capital -Committee meeting the <br /> following -evening. They would be reporting to the Fiance Com it ee <br /> at the next meeting., <br /> Education Reform Act <br /> Ms. King explained that she had met with Dr. DeMoura last Friday <br /> and he had provided her with a copy of a draft of the school' <br /> budget. Ms. King said that it wasn't official but she thought Dr. <br /> DeMoura would be requesting $6.8 million, Ms, King stated that she <br /> would contact him the next day and provide the figure in the Long <br />