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1/10/1995 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
1/10/1995 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
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i <br /> Page <br /> Range Plan which was voted on at this meeting. Ms. King mentioned <br /> that in the newspaper the Taxpayer's Association stated that the <br /> school only expended 90° of their budget last year. <br /> Mr. Ferriday mentioned that in his opinion there was something <br /> wrong with the school's priorities. He mentioned that the school <br /> being built will cost $28 million, but that they were planning to <br /> eliminate soccer fields and build a football stadium. Mr, Ferriday <br /> felt that soccer was the most popular sport on the cape and <br /> everyone could utilize soccer fields, Mr. Gallo believed that the <br /> football stadium would be. ' recommended by parents over soccer <br /> f i e l s. Ms, Gree l i sh suggested that Mr. Ferriday write a letter <br /> under his own name regarding overall expenditure of funds. <br /> Ms. King stated that she would notify the press tomorrow in regard <br /> to the recommendation of the Committee for the schools. She also <br /> mentioned that selectman Dinizio the previous evening, was implying <br /> the need for an override. Ms. King noted that when she contacted <br /> the press she would indicate that there was no need for an <br /> override. <br /> There was a question regarding the school's Medicaid Account. Ms, <br /> King mentioned that Dr, DeMoura claimed that they were not pursuing <br /> this, The issue regarding Medicaid was that it would cost Mashpee <br /> $10,000in debt, but would return $70,000 if pursued. Nor. Goggin <br /> referred to a previous meeting with Dr. DeMoura when he indicated <br /> that with more secretarial help this money could be pursued if the <br /> Finance Committee approved the initial $10,000, Mr. Goggin <br /> believed that the Finance committee at that time asked the <br /> Executive secretary to Meet with Dr. DeMoura and discuss this, and <br /> thea after being discussed with the Finance Committee they would <br /> support* Later, at a School Committee meeting, Dr. DeToura <br /> indicated that the Finance Committee never respornded. lir. Goggin <br /> strongly felt that they should not get any money for this, Ms, <br /> King disagreed* she felt that if an incentive was given then the <br /> Finance Committee should support. Ms. King indicated that the <br /> School Department had only spent half of the initial $10,000 . She <br /> stated that Dr. Deoura let the whole thing fall, but she was <br /> concerned because of the big return they could possibly get. Ms, <br /> King proposed that the Finance committee offer Dr, DeMoura an <br /> incentive and to request the money at the Special Town meeting. <br /> Mr, Goggin stated that he would prefer to give the money to the <br /> Town Accountant, Ir-. Ferriday asked if the school was the only <br /> department that could pursue this money Ms, King answered that a <br /> lot of it has to do with attendance records and other files that <br /> other departments could not use. lir. Goggin suggested getting more <br /> information. Mr, Goggin asked that the secretary research <br /> correspondence regarding this Medicaid issue beginning with <br /> correspondence dated approximately November 1993 . <br />
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