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4 <br /> Page <br /> Budget Requests <br /> Mr. Goggin asked the Committee how they wished to go about meeting <br /> with department. heads? Mr. Goggin felt that there should be open <br /> meetings with the School Department, the Fire, Police and DPW <br /> Departments, Mr. Ferriday suggested writing to these departments <br /> and scheduling meetings with then and then leaving it up to the <br /> remaining departments whether or not they wished to meet with the <br /> Finance Committee. <br /> Ms. Sullivan asked what would happen if these department came in <br /> under the 2% recommended. Mr. Goggin furnished the Committee with <br /> FY96 budget requests. He suggested that the members review their <br /> department's budgets and meet with their department. heads. Mr. <br /> Golub asked if the Executive Secretary should be included? Mr. <br /> Goggin answered that he is invited at all times. Mr. Gallo <br /> mentioned that if Finance Committee liaisons could attend the <br /> meetings between the Executive Secretary and department heads it <br /> would sage time. Mr. Goggin agreed. He asked that the secretary <br /> write to Mr, Whr itenour and request a schedule of his meetings with <br /> department heads. Mr, Goggin still recommended that liaisons go <br /> out and meet with their department. heads. <br /> Correspondence <br /> Mr. Goggin noted that a letter had been seat to Mr , Thritenour <br /> regarding police cruiser sales. <br /> The Committee received a letter from Mr. Whritenour regarding <br /> unfunded liability for employee benefits, The letter states that <br /> it is the Executive Secretary's intention to furnish the Finance <br /> Committee with more information within a couple of weeks. <br /> There was a letter from Committee member Juan Bacigalupi stating <br /> that he was unavailable to meet with Mr. Goggin on their scheduled <br /> evening to discuss differences in numbers. <br /> There was correspondence sent to all Finance committees from the <br /> Secretary of State regarding the implementation of the Motor-voter <br /> Law., <br /> There was a letter from the Board of Health to the Executive <br /> Secretary regrading an amended town meeting warrant article <br /> involving the landfill capping and closure. <br /> There was a mote from the Town Clerk indicating which positions <br /> were up for reelection. in the spring. <br /> other Business <br /> Ms. Kind suggested responding to an editorial regarding tax breaks <br /> for seniors wishing to volunteer,. <br />