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Page <br /> seconded the Motion and members approved - . Mr. Goggin highly <br /> endorsed Ms, Oreelish. <br /> Other Business <br /> Mr, Goggin asked that the Fire Chief be contacted about discussing <br /> his budget at the Fire station. <br /> Nis. King mentioned that the Library shows increased hours which <br /> trigger benf its. <br /> Mr , Bacigalu i Mentioned that part of the Fire Department's <br /> menses will be financed through ambulance receipts, These would <br /> include equipment, as well as supplies. M . Bacigalui also <br /> mentioned that dispatcher supervision n needs to be negotiated. Ms. <br /> 0. <br /> Sullivan stated that this was under the Clerical Union. <br /> Mr. Goggin asked that an agenda be set u , inviting department <br /> heads in on Tuesday evenings, Ms. Sullivan suggested waiting until <br /> their meetings with Mr. Whritenour were complete. Mr. Golub felt <br /> that it should be decided by the department head after reviewing <br /> the Dong Range Plan. <br /> Mr. Golub asked if anyone had noticed the advertisement for a 20. <br /> hour position in the Town Accountant's office? Mr, Golub felt that <br /> the Town Accountant did not take the Finance Committee's <br /> suggestion. Mr. Coggin stated that he would also life to see her <br /> hire a 19 hour position, but that she needs a 20 hour person. This <br /> position had been cut previously from 24 hours to 20, Nix . Coggin <br /> also noted that this position had been voted on at Town meeting. <br /> Mr, Goggin also felt that they should not penalize this one <br /> department, but should talk to the Personnel Board about their <br /> view. Mr. Golub stated that benefits should be placed back .into <br /> the budgets, Mr. Coggin explained that a letter had been sent to <br /> Mr, Whritenour regarding our view on the policy of hiring part <br /> timers for 19 hours or less. The Executive Secretary is <br /> investigating this. <br /> Mr. Coggin noted haat he did receive a copy of the Executive <br /> Secretary's and Police Chieffs contract. He gave it to Mr. <br /> Ferriday to review and report back to the Committee. <br /> Mr. Golub asked that it be noted for the record that the Finance <br /> Committee opposes 19 plus hours for part timers. Mr. Baoigalui <br /> also mentioned that the Police Department buys back vacation time <br /> and ether departments should be encouraged to do this. <br /> Mr. Goggin handed out a copy of an article which he read entitled <br /> "Broker Admits to Fraud in Case Involving Aetna, Mr. Goggin stated <br /> that Mashee is part of Barnstable County's Pension Plan and has <br /> been making contributions to the plan. He asked that a letter be <br /> sent to the Treasurer giving her a copy of this article and asking <br />