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Page <br /> now with department heads, A preliminary session is a good <br /> starting point. Mr. Golub asked the liaisons which would be <br /> attending Mr. Whritenour's scheduled meetings to get a sense o <br /> priorities from department heads and bring back to the Finance <br /> Committee in a whole. Mr. whritenour mentioned that he also hoped <br /> to have representation from the Board of selectmen at the <br /> department head meetings. <br /> Mr, Whritenour mentioned February 6,, 1995 as the deadline for <br /> departments to submit any articles. Mr. Goggin reminded the <br /> Committee about the article for Stabilization. Mr. whritenour <br /> stated that the Special Town Meeting deadline is March 3rd and that <br /> the article flow is pretty slow at this time, Mr, Ferriday asked <br /> if the Board of selectmen have a policy so that petition articles <br /> do not circumvent the omnibus? Mr. Whritenour mentioned that he <br /> and the Selectmen were very much against petition articles. Mr. <br /> Ferriday sated that if petition articles come in, the Board o <br /> Selectmen cannot keep themr. off. He said that they should set a <br /> policy. <br /> M . whritenour- concluded, by sabring that he felt it very important <br /> to star close with the Finance Committee. All decisions made this <br /> year will strongly affect the newt couple dears. Mr. Golub <br /> asked if Mr, whritenour had an answer in regard to unfunded <br /> liabilities? Mr, Whritenour answered that he is working with <br /> accounting and should have a number next week. He said that he <br /> would then present his findings. <br /> Summary Sheets <br /> Nis. King handed out summary sheets by departments which she had <br /> prepared. The sheets included her findings. of certain items for <br /> some department's which are over and above the current level o <br /> service. one sheet included revenues and expenditures included for <br /> FY95, FY96 and the Long Mange Plan, The last sheet brake down <br /> everything by departments for example, capital, special, elected, <br /> salaries, expenses, etc. Mr, Goggin added that it is essential <br /> that you read your budgets in detail . Mr, Bacigalupi added that it <br /> looks as though the Fire Chief is requesting $1 .5 million. He <br /> actually wants this to be a bonded project, Mr, Baoigalupi said <br /> that the Chief did not know that it could be spread out. <br /> Capital Committee <br /> Mr. Golub mentioned that he and Mr, Goggin had attended the Capital <br /> Committee meeting last week. He would be attending again this week. <br /> He felt it was a great idea to look beyond the current fiscal year. <br /> Juan Baoigalupi MOTIONED to appoint Deirdre Greelish the Finance <br /> Committee's citizen representative to the Capital Committee, Mr. <br /> Bacigalupi explained that the Town's By-Laws Section 15. 21B states <br /> that there rust be a citizen representative. John Ferriday <br />