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06 <br /> x <br /> MASHPEE FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES <br /> JANUARY 24, 1995 <br /> MEETING COMMENCE T 7: PM <br /> Finance Committee Members present: Dan Goggin, Chairman; Marcia <br /> King, vice Chairman; Sid Golub; John Ferriday; Denise Sullivan; and <br /> Juan Bacigalupi . Tony Gallo was unable to attend. <br /> Invited Guests - Joseph Dellagala, Personnel Chairman <br /> Diane Rommelmeyer, Town Accountant <br /> Please note for the record that tie. taping of this meeting is for <br /> the transcription of the Minutes only. once the Minutes are <br /> approved, the tapes will be reused. <br /> Minutes <br /> The Minutes of January 17, 1995 were not voted on. They will be <br /> reviewed and voted on at the next meeting <br /> Reserve Fund Transfer Request <br /> Honnie Ferriday and Bob Sherman, conservation Agent, were present <br /> at the meeting to discuss a Reserve Fund Transfer Request. Nis. <br /> Ferriday explained that they were requesting a total amount of <br /> $6,447 to be divided amongst themselves and the Herring Darden. <br /> She explained that $3 , 200 would be transferred into the Herring <br /> Warden's Expense Account and $3 , 247 to go to Conservation. The <br /> $3 ,247 would also be placed into two separate accounts within <br /> Conservation. $1,550 to Account No. 0761 and $1,697 to Account No, <br /> 1323 . Ms. Ferriday explained that the $3 , 247 in Conservation would <br /> pay for the emergency work that has already been done and the money <br /> in the HerringWarden's Account would pay for a Chapter 91 permit <br /> for engineering and surveying, Mr. Sherman also explained that he <br /> has been working on a grant. He explained that $30,000 is a ball <br /> park figure for cost. This grant would provide the necessary work <br /> to correct the problems in the flumes, <br /> Mr, Goggin asked why Mr. Whritenour is not putting together this <br /> request Mr , Sherman explained that they have been ordered by the <br /> State to correct this problem. Ms, Sullivan mentioned that <br /> essentially the work that has been done has only had a "bandage" <br /> effect, Mr, Sherman answered that that was -correct. Mr. Golub <br /> asked if there were no ether funds in their domain or jurisdiction? <br /> Ms, Ferriday stated that they would use Conservation funds to pay <br /> the reward for information on the damage to the flumes., Mr, <br /> Sherman mentioned that there were numerous demands for that money. <br /> Mr. Ferriday believed that Mashpee needs to pay attention to their <br /> waterways and keep them in good condition. <br /> John Ferriday MOTIONED to transfer $3 ,200 fora the Finance <br /> Committee's Reserve Fund to the Herring Warden's Expense Account. <br />