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f <br /> Pace <br /> discuss this yet. They are meeting eight tines per month now and <br /> will get to it. Mr. Goggin said that if Personnel agreed with the <br /> Finance Committee to establish a policy, then a recommendation <br /> could be made to the Board of selectmen. <br /> Ms, Caffyn stated that Mr. Dellagala recommended a 20 hour position <br /> at theSelectmen's meeting the previous evening. Mr. Dell.agala <br /> responded by saying that people are looking at benefits and not at <br /> jobs. He felt the Town Accountant is going to need at least 20 <br /> hours if not 24 or 25 when the high school comes on board. Mr. <br /> Golub asked Mr. Dellagala to explain his feelings about department <br /> heads working 35 hours vs. 40 hours? Mr, Del lagal a stated that Mr. <br /> Golub was only looking at 20 hours vs. 19 hours not that the job <br /> needs 24 hours. Mr. Golub noted that the high school will be a <br /> temporary problem for the Town Accountant, Mr. Goggin suggested <br /> that the Town not continue paying full benefits to employees who <br /> work on an average of 20 hours per week. Ms, Caffyn mentioned that <br /> the Board of Selectmen were locking for some guidance from the <br /> Finance Committee members present at the meeting the previous <br /> evening and nobody said anything. Mr. Dellagala offered his <br /> recommendation, but Finance Committee members did not say anything <br /> until after the vote was taken, <br /> Ms. King asked about pro rating vacation time, Mr. Goggin stated <br /> that Mr, Ferriday was asked to review contracts and at a later time <br /> the Finance Committee will place thein recommendation in writing. <br /> Compensatory Time <br /> Mr. Goggin explained that there were 4 employees who took all 1 <br /> days. These are employees and town department heads who do not <br /> receive overtime. The standard work week is 40 hours and if they <br /> work additional hours they are allowed to take compensatory time. <br /> Mr. Goggin also added that this added up to $20,000 last year. He <br /> explained that the issue is that if they are exempt employees them <br /> they should be required to work the number of hours to complete the <br /> job. Mr. Dellagalaâ–º responded that they are complying to policy. <br /> Mr, Golub stated that the Finance Committee thinks the policy needs <br /> to be revised. He believed that compensatory time should be looked <br /> at very carefully and dealt with. Mr.. Golub continued by saying <br /> that 'individual reports are made when compensatory time is taken, <br /> but it is this individual who reports the comp.. time, Ms. Caffyn <br /> added that only the Police and Fire Departments have time cards. <br /> Mr. Golub asked if in Town there were annual , semi annual reviews <br /> of all management and evaluation of effectiveness? <br /> Mr. Del lagal.a stated that the Fire, police and Department of Public <br /> Works all have their own Personnel office, He suggested that <br /> instead of 4 Personnel Departments, there should be one central <br /> building where all Personnel records can be stored. <br /> Dan Goggin asked if there were any other policies or comments they <br />