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15 <br /> Page <br /> appropriation? Mr. Goggin answered by extensive budget review and <br /> meetings with departments. <br /> other Business <br /> Mr. Bacigalupi, after reviewing his Police Budget, shared with the <br /> Committee that the Police Department has spent 79. 6% of their <br /> dg et. Mr. Goggin asked Mr. Bacigalupi to go to the Department <br /> and ask why they are over Mr, Bacigalupi answered that the reason <br /> why is because Chief Frye is being Paid 75 accrued sick days and <br /> the Selectmen are approving expenditures without money to pay for <br /> them. Mir. Goggin asked him to get the Police Department's <br /> response. Mr. Bacigalupi felt the answer should come from the <br /> Selectmen. <br /> Mr. Golub asked why the meeting last week was not televised Mr. <br /> Bacigalupi answered it was due to technical difficulties, <br /> Mr. Ferriday handed out a response to the Long Range Plan from Greg, <br /> Taylor, Director of the DPW. Mr. Ferriday asked that the. Committee <br /> review this before their meeting with Mr. Taylor at the next <br /> meeting. <br /> Mr. Bacigalupi handed out worksheets for the committee's review <br /> He explained that they were actual expenditures for the Town by DOR <br /> categories and projected expenditures. There were also ].fisted <br /> actual expenditures by departments and projected expenditures by <br /> departments, He mentioned that this was an easy guide to see <br /> exactly what a 2% increase means, He also mentioned that he gage <br /> to Ms. Greelish his difference in numbers regarding the Long Range <br /> Plan. <br /> The meeting adjourned at PM. The next scheduled meeting is on <br /> Tuesday, January 31 , 1395 at :O PM. Minutes respectfully <br /> submitted by Jean M. Mooney, Recording secretary. <br />