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Page <br /> employees he had, both full time and seasonal , He explained that <br /> the department is material intensive, that without proper equipment <br /> the work cannot be done. He stated that his capital equipment is <br /> currently 2 of its replacement value. He explained that his <br /> department is responsible for eight town buildings and that he had <br /> two full time people, who are not road crew, to oversee these <br /> buildings. He explained that he has ten people responsible for town <br /> beaches, paved town roads and unpaved town roads, and 80 or 90 <br /> miles of -private roads . Mr, Goggin asked if Mr, Taylor if he has <br /> made comparisons of other towns approximately the same size? Mr. <br /> Taylor answered that it has not been done in a few years, but yes <br /> he has statistics and Mashpee is at the low end of people per mile. <br /> Mr. Taylor also hopes to maintain his 2 seasonal employees. Last <br /> Summer was the -first year the Department had them. <br /> Nor. Taylor invited the Finance Committee to meet with the Board o <br /> Selectmen and himself on Monday, February 13 , 1995 at 7: 1 P . At <br /> that time they will have a consultant there to discuss a <br /> comprehensive list. It will state what the Town needs to do to get <br /> the most for its money. <br /> Mr. Goggin asked Mr, Taylor's invo lv rent in the Capital <br /> Improvement Committee Mr. Taylor answered that the DPW has <br /> approximately $3 , 2 million of repairs and road work to be clone over <br /> a period of years and the department will work with the Capital <br /> Improvement Committee. He also explained that state funding <br /> available will be approximately $1. 2 million. some funds have been <br /> previously promised for Great Oak Road. <br /> Mr. Taylor spoke about certain funds which the Town has received <br /> for the first time. One such grant was received for trees. The <br /> Department planted 30 trees at Heritage Park, The Tree Warden is <br /> involved in a program to foster and take care of these trees . The <br /> Town also received funding for overlay and repairs to Rt, 151 which <br /> was 10 0% funding. The Town owed nothing. He also spoke of work <br /> which was completed last year, for eg, Iced Brook Toad and ashpee' <br /> first set of traffic signals on Rt. 151. Mr, Goggin asked if the <br /> signals were on all night? Mr, Taylor answered that they are, but <br /> this can be overruled by the Police Department at any time. Mr. <br /> Taylor mentioned that ashpee's largest asset is the approximate <br /> $32 million for Town roads. <br /> Mr. Taylor spoke about the Long Range Plan and did not feel that <br /> 2 increase each year would be sufficient. He stated that the <br /> State doesn't provide a great return for gas tax, Ir. Cahir is <br /> working to improve this. He also mentioned that the cost of living <br /> rate is going up 3-4%, The cost of sand is up 3 and asphalt 2 , <br /> as well as the cost of fuel has increased. Mr. Taylor mentioned <br /> that an override is still a possibility for the Town. Ids. Ding and <br /> Mr. Goggin stated that the Finance Committee sees no need for an <br /> override. <br />