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Page <br /> answered that yes they would review classifications, descriptions <br /> and compensation. <br /> Mr. Golub questioned the four hour stipend paid to board <br /> secretaries. He asked if anything could be changed because some <br /> departments do not meet for four hours,, some meet only two or- <br /> three. Mr, Golub suggested having committees meet less often but <br /> for longer periods of time. Mr, Dellagala suggested a board <br /> secretary working for two committees in the same evening to rake up <br /> four hours. He stated that it would be hard to control . Nis. <br /> Sullivan asked how many minutes the secretary reeds to be present <br /> at the meeting to have the four hours kick in Pis. Farren did not <br /> know. Ms. Farren stated that this stipend has been in effect since <br /> she has been at the Town Hall and probably before. Mr. Dellagala <br /> mentioned the possibility of having one full tune person cover all <br /> f the boards and committees.. <br /> Mr,. Goggin asked about expenses. Ms, Farren explained that the <br /> expenses have increased due to physicals, she explained that the <br /> Fire Department utilizes most of this money. Ms. Farren also <br /> stated that -as an additional request the Personnel Department <br /> requests money for a new lair for Commercial Drivers License <br /> testing. The Town will be required to test their drivers, under 50 <br /> employees, to be tested yearly at random for drug and alcohol. use. <br /> The Committee discussed Personnel tuition. Ms. Farren stated that <br /> they were requesting $12 ,000. Ms, King stated that they have only <br /> spent $2 ,000 year to date. Ms, Farren explained that there were a <br /> lot of requests. These are projections and are hard to predict an <br /> accurate amount. The Fire Department and Police Department are <br /> requesting the most. The Fire Department went from $5,000 t <br /> $7,000 contractually. <br /> Mr, Goggin asked about the new computer system. Ms, Farren <br /> answered that she has received her terminal but has not had <br /> training. Mr. Golub mentioned that the system has a tutorial and <br /> should be utilized. Ms, Farren stated that she did not have time <br /> to train herself and keep up with all of her responsibilities of <br /> her job. she mentioned that she would also like an additional <br /> terminal in the office. <br /> Mr. Goggin asked if Ms, Farren or Mr. De l l ag l a had any questiohs. <br /> Mr,. Del lagala asked about unfunded liabilities. Mr. Goggin <br /> answered that the auditors noted that in their management letter <br /> and also the Executive secretary is working on the problem. Mr. <br /> Thritenour is expected to get back to the Finance Committee with <br /> his findings. Mr. Goggin stated that the Police Department is <br /> going to have a problem for this. exact reason, Their budget is <br /> over due to Chief Frye's retirement and accrued sick time. <br /> Ms. Sullivan asked why the lifeguards were receiving different <br /> hourly wages? Ms, Farren answered that returning lifeguards <br />