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Page <br /> Mr, Goggin again mentioned that the re son ov rti a had been <br /> decreased in the budget submission was due to hiring two new <br /> officers, Mr. ' hritenour said that it skyrocketed due to four <br /> police off ic rs being out for an extended period of time. The <br /> Police Department does not come underWorker's Compensation. Mr. <br /> Golub mentioned that at a previous selectmen's meeting there was <br /> discussion about trying to make up some of this loss legally and <br /> suing the party who injured the police officer. The P61ice chief <br /> stated that this is being researched and he would inform the <br /> Finance Committe6 if it was a possibility. <br /> r. Goggin asked if it would be possible to meet at the police <br /> station to discuss the department's budget? The Chief stated that <br /> he would more than happy to pride a tour and hold a meeting. The <br /> Chief was going to work out a date with r. Bacigalupi , their <br /> liaison, Mr, Golub asked if unforeseen disability should be <br /> accounted for in the budget? if the funds were there would there <br /> be a consensus of whether or not they should be spent? He asked if ; <br /> decisions ate made because funds are there Would that particular <br /> decision about Chief Frye not have been made if the funds were not <br /> there? It was Sid's feeling that unforeseen circumstances should <br /> be taken into consideration, Mr, Whritenour also felt that this <br /> was a very legitimate point. He felt that it was very disturbing <br /> when unforeseen incidents happen, because he works very hard with <br /> the departments during budgeting, <br /> Mr. Bacigalupi informed the Committee that the Reserve Fund may <br /> possibly run dry if this transfer is recommended. Mr. Bacigalupi <br /> also knows of a request from the Fire Department in the near <br /> future. He felt transferring only enough money to get t the May <br /> meeting should be considered. Mr, Bacigalupi mentioned that it was <br /> .he last two months of the year when many requests pour- in. <br /> By-Law Conflict <br /> Ms. King explained the reason for sending a ltter t6 Town Counsel, <br /> Mr, Goggin again reminded the Committee that they were not lawyers <br /> and to let the lawyers handle it. He mentioned that Ms, Sullivan <br /> has chosen to be legally represented. mr. Bacigalupi mentioned <br /> that back in September he had discussed this By-Law with the <br /> Executive secretary and the School Council was not considered to be <br /> a Town Office. Mr, Golub asked Juan's position? Mr. Bacigalupi <br /> stated that he was asked to make a decision. He made it, h <br /> submitted his resignation to the school Council . It was <br /> unaccepted. Mr, Goggin stated that Mr. Bacigalupi has a decision <br /> to mare. He is not authorized to serve on both Committees at the <br /> same time. Mr. Goggin asked Juan to provide hint with some <br /> information and he would be happy to include it in the letter to <br /> Town Counsel , <br />