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2/21/1995 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
2/21/1995 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
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Page 2 <br /> Mr. Goggin mentioned that there was talk of doing away with county <br /> government especially jails. Ms. LeClair stated that there had <br /> been a lot of publicity due to a State Grant. Ms. LeClair also <br /> felt that the county can rn a jail a lot cheaper than the State <br /> could. Ms. LeClair felt that the county will pay $1,6 million for <br /> jails and it will continue to be that cost in future, The State <br /> will pick up the other end. Ms. LeClair strongly believed in <br /> County Government, She felt the County could provide services for <br /> Towns with one employee without having to hire 15 employees, one <br /> for each Town. She stated that even if County Government is done <br /> away with as it is now, some regionalization is still necessary. <br /> 5 <br /> William Przybyl.e , chief of Po13-ce <br /> The Police Chief was present to discuss a Reserve Fund Transfer <br /> Request with the Finance Committee. Robert Whritenour was also <br /> present. The Chief explained that there was an unforeseen shortage <br /> of $30,430.80 due to officers who were injured on duty. The cost <br /> is due to overtime coverage during the insured officers' absence. <br /> Mr. Coggin asked that the chief provide an original comparison for <br /> FY95 salaries a breakdown of salaries against the budget <br /> submitted) so that the committee could make an informed decision. <br /> Mr, Goggin asked why the overtime in the FY96 budget had been <br /> increas d from $160,000 FY95 to $197, 180 1t was Mr, Goggin's <br /> feeling that because the Town had voted to employ two officers last <br /> year that the overtime could decrease. The Chief answered that <br /> there was still one vacancy and there were the two positions to <br /> fill under the 75/25% Federal Grant., The Chief mentioned that he <br /> had asked Personnel to bring academy trained people on board <br /> immediately. He currently has five officers on duty for the day <br /> shift; five sergeants; and four officers on the night shift. The <br /> vacant position would make up the fifth officer for the night <br /> shift. The Committee discussed the 75/25 Federal Grant. Chief <br /> Przybylek stated that this would pay salarie 5%, but uniforms and <br /> equipment would be paid for by the Town Expense, Most benefits are <br /> included in the crime bill. <br /> Mr, Golub asked about the termination bonuses for Chief Frye and <br /> was this the cause of the shortfall? Mr, Whritenour stated that <br /> when Chief Frye retired there was an agreement made to pay him <br /> $26,000. When the budgets were prepared, this was unforeseen. Mr. <br /> Golub felt it unjust that it was the Selectmen's decision and not <br /> the Towns. Mr, Goggin stated that it was the Selectmen's decision <br /> and now it is saddled onto the new Police Chief, Mr. Whritenour <br /> stated that a portion was negotiated by the Selectmen and a portion <br /> by the Personnel. Administration Plan. At that time these absences <br /> had not occurred. Mr. Goggin asked that between the Executive <br /> Secretary and the new Chief, could they provide detail to show all <br /> the pieces? Mr. Whritenour stated that he would provide this <br /> information, The Committee asked about paid to date overtime, The <br /> original budget requests $160,000 for overtime. $160,000 has been <br /> paid to date as of February. <br />
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