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M S PEE FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES <br /> MARCH 7, 19 <br /> MEETING COMMENCED AT 7:o PM <br /> Finance Committee members present: Dan Goggin, Chairman; Marcia <br /> King, Vice Chairman; Juan Bacigalupi; Sid Golub; John Ferriday: <br /> Tony Galla and Denise Sullivan. <br /> invited Guests - Board of Health <br /> Leisure Services <br /> Please mote for the record that the taping of this meeting is for <br /> the transcription of the Minutes only, once the Minutes are <br /> approved, the tapes will be reused. <br /> Minutes <br /> Marcia King MOTIONED to approve the Minutes of February 14 , 1995 <br /> and February 21, 1995 as written. Juan Bacigal.upi seconded the <br /> Motion and members approved the Minutes of February 14th by a vote <br /> f 6-0 with Mr. Gallo abstaining. Members approved the Minutes of <br /> February 21st by a vote of 5-0 with Ms. Sullivan and Mr. Ferriday <br /> abstaining. <br /> Board of Health FY96 Budget <br /> Elias McQuaid, Steve Ball , Bob Graham and Grin Evans were present <br /> on behalf of the Health Department4, Mr. McQuaid gave a quid <br /> history of his department. He explained that his department is <br /> mainly responsible for water sampling, restaurant inspections, <br /> septic inspections and complaint review, Mr* McQuaid mentioned <br /> that the Title 5 process which has been revised will take effect at <br /> the end of the month, He explained that due to these changes, <br /> properties that can be built on presently may not be built on after <br /> the enol of the month, His office is swamped with people requesting <br /> that ,inspections be completed, Mr. McQuaid also mentioned the <br /> possibility of hiring a part or full time inspector to help with <br /> the overload <br /> Mr. Goggin asked about the revenue the department generates. Mr. <br /> McQuaid explained that his board sets the fees annually. Landfill <br /> stickers have increased from $30 to 35 annually. The feeling of <br /> the board is that if the fee was increased-toomuch, there would be <br /> much more illegal dumping. Mr, McQuaid stated that he would like <br /> to see a 50 /5 balance fees v. tax burden) , Presently the total <br /> trash operation is at %. The department is requesting $590,635 <br /> to provide for the total trash operation, which will generate <br /> approximately $300,,000 in revenue from stickers. The Finance <br /> Committee discussed the contracts between DiMaggio, Otis and <br /> SeaMass, Hazardous waste decreased from $25,000 to $15.000. <br /> Mr. Goggin asked about the land fill capping, Mr. McQuaid answered <br />