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MASIVEE FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING MIK ES <br /> MA CH 141 1995 <br /> MEETING COMMENCED AT 7:OOPM <br /> Finance Committee members present: Dari Goggia, Chairman; Marcia <br /> King, ViceChairman; Juan Ba lgal pi; Sid Golub; John Ferriday <br /> and Denise Sullivan. <br /> Invited Guests - Jame LaBute, Town Clerk <br /> William C, Prbyle , Chief of Police <br /> Maurice Cooper, Deputy Chief <br /> Please rote for the record that th'e taping o this seeti ng is for <br /> the transcriptionof the Minutes onl ,. once the Minutes are <br /> approved, the {tapes will be reused. This eeting was held at the <br /> Mas xpee Police Station, <br /> Minutes <br /> Marcia King MOTIONED to approve the Minutes of February 28, 1995 as <br /> written. Juan Bacigalupi seconded the Notion and members approved <br /> the Minutes of February 28th by a vote of 6-0, <br /> Town Clerkfs FY96 Budget <br /> Ns. LaBute gave a brief history of her department, She explained <br /> that she is keeper of records,, chief election officer, stacker <br /> person, etc. Sticker- sales should begin a month earlier this year. <br /> The $50 guest pass which they have sold in the past for beach <br /> parking will also be utilized for the Transfer Station. <br /> Mr, Ooggia n asked about the birth rates, Ms, LaBute stated that the <br /> rates actually went down this year, When she began 15 years ago <br /> birth rates were approximately 30 per year, Presently -they are <br /> approximately 160 -170, Nr. Goggia also questioned the new ballot <br /> machines that the Town Clerk is requesting, Ms., LaBute stated that <br /> she felt this was the best year to present them to Mashpee. The <br /> Town of Sandwich is purchasingOp-Tech machines. She explained <br /> that there would be a possible savings if the Towns bright <br /> together, The order would be for 11 Op-Tech machines, 7 for � <br /> Sandwich and 4 for Mashpee, The cost is approximately $24,000 for i <br /> machines. Ideally, Ms. LaBute would life to have these machines <br /> for the 1996 Presidential election. Mr. Golub mentioned that the <br /> Capital Committee has considered this their number one priority for <br /> 1996, Mr, Golub asked if there Were any other uses for these <br /> machines Ms. LaBute stated that there were not really any other <br /> uses. fir. Golub explained that the Capital Committee does not have <br /> any hard figures yet* Ms. LaBute stated that she would also be <br /> reviewing hard figures. <br /> Mr. Goggin asked if there were any other significant changes to her <br /> budget. Ms. LaBute stated that she had requested a full time <br />