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Page <br /> person for her office, she explained that the .Board of Selectmen <br /> then asked her to make it a 19 hour position totalling $12,350., <br /> Responsibilities worldnclde computer entry. <br /> Ms, LaBute stated that she was still unaware of what Motor Voter <br /> registration was going to do. she thought it may be implemented in <br /> the first, second or third week of April ,, Mr. Goggin also <br /> mentioned that the Computer Committee is also looking at computers <br /> for her office, <br /> Request for Transfer from the Reserve Fund <br /> Mr. Goggin mentioned that there was -a request for $350 from the <br /> Town Clerk for the conversion to motor voter registration. The <br /> Committee agreed to look at this request the next week. <br /> Capital Committee <br /> Mr. Golub noted that at the meeting it was a very low attendance <br /> and they did not have a quorum. He did mention that they were way <br /> over what the Long Range Plan calls for. Mr. Golub stated that he <br /> asked the Capital Committee adhere to a goal. They -are still <br /> working to try to decrease the budget some. r. Bacigalupi <br /> mentioned that the Capital Committee come up with a generic plan <br /> for the three outer years, that would not commit the 'down t any <br /> oneproject. Mr. Goggin asked that the Capita. Committee submit <br /> their pian to the Finance Committee and that they would {try to <br /> smooth it out. Mr, Goggin reminded the Finance Committee that this <br /> was the first year for the Capital Committee. <br /> Computer Committee <br /> Goggin mentioned that the Committee was involved with updating <br /> the softwarO systems. They were discussing also whether things be <br /> run at a PC: level or client/serves level. There is still a lot of <br /> information to be gathered, He explained that they are still not <br /> ready to meet with the Capita. Committee. <br /> . <br /> Board of Selectmen's FY96 Budget Recommendations <br /> . King gave out handouts which included Departments FY95 budgets, <br /> the percentage they were over in their FY96 requests, the Board of <br /> Selectmen's recommendations,, capital replacement, special and <br /> capital, elected, salaries and expenses* she also supplied a <br /> summary sheet of revenues for FY95, FY96 and difference between the <br /> Long Range Plan numbers, <br /> r. Goggin asked Ms, King if she found anything unusual in <br /> preparation of these summary sheets? she explained that there is <br /> $34,,000 in there for the Assistant Executive secretary, a new <br /> position for council on Aging and two new positions for DPW. Mr. <br /> IF <br /> Goggin mentioned that the Finance committee should be prepared t <br />