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HASH EE FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES <br /> MARCH 28, 1995 <br /> MEETING COMMENCED AT 1 <br /> Finance Committee members present: Dan Goggin, Chairman; Marcia <br /> King, vice Chairman; DeniseSullivan; Juan Bacigalupi; Sic? Golub; <br />` John Ferriday and Tony Cal to. <br /> Board of Selectmen present: Jinn Vaccaro; George Costa; Nancy <br /> Caffyn and Peter Dini io. Judy Mills was unable to attend <br /> Robert Whritenour, Executive Secretary and Diane Rommelmeyer, Town <br /> Accountant were also present at the meeting. <br /> Please rote for the record that the taping of this meeting is for <br /> the transcription of the Minutes only.. once the Minutes. are <br /> approved, the tapes will be reused. <br /> minutes <br /> The Finance Committee agreed to wait until the next scheduled <br /> meeting to vote on the Minutes of March 21., 1995* <br /> Nor. Whritenour suggested that the Finance Committee and the <br /> Selectmen review the Summary by Control Account dated through March <br /> , 1995 to see where the two boards differ or are the same in their <br /> recommendations. Mr. Coggin stated that this budget process has <br /> been one of the 8moothe8t that he has experienced. He wished to <br /> commend the Selectmen, departments and everyone involved in this <br /> budget process. Mr. Goggin also mentioned that the Finance <br /> Committee were present at this meeting so that they could better <br /> understand why the Selectmen have recommended what they have for <br /> the PY96 budget. <br /> The two boards reviewed the printout line by line and it was the <br /> following items that were discussed. The Finance Committee asked <br /> bout elected salaries which were increasers from $6,000 to $10,000, <br /> Mr, Costa answered that they were due an increase. Their elected <br /> salaries had been cut in 1990 as well as the elected salaries for <br /> the Board of Health and the Board of Assessors, Also under the <br /> Selectmen's budget, theme was a question about. the Salary and Gage <br /> Account, Mr, Whritenour indicated that the corrected amount under <br /> the Selectmen's recommendation was $124,473 .59. The Selectmen <br /> agreed to provide for a part time clerical, 18 hour position for <br /> the Executive Secretary's office, The cost was $8,112, This was <br /> decrease o $26,778 from their original request, which included <br /> an Assistant to the Executive Secretary. Mr. Vaccaro indicated <br /> that the Selectmen had asked the- Executive Secretary to seely <br /> alternatives to hiring an assistant at this point in time. Under <br /> this Department the Finance Committee also questioned Legal <br /> Engineering and the Economic Development Committee, Mr, Whritenour <br />