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IR <br /> Page <br /> stated that one case has cost the Town over $30,000 in legal bills. <br /> Mr. Goggin asked that the Executive Secretary provide then with an <br /> analysis of what has been spent to date and what is projected for <br /> FY9 . Mr. Whritenour stated that due to that one case which has <br /> cost them $30' ,000, the Town may need to utilize the Reserve Fund to <br /> pay the legal bill. Mr. Bacigalupi reminded the Executive <br /> Secretary that the Finance Committee wished to know where <br /> departments were and if they would also need the Reserve Fund, Mr. <br /> Bacigalupi suggested waiting until Town Meeting to pay the legal <br /> bill. In response to the question regarding the Economic <br /> Development Committee, the Economic Development Coordinator is <br /> costing the Towyn $8,500, The Committee has $3,000 for its expenses <br /> and $500 for communication. Mr. Whritenour stated that the <br /> Economic Development Committee is hoping to show some direct <br /> results from having this coordinator, Mr, Goggin asked about the <br /> 125th Anniversary celebration, Mr. Vaccaro answered that the <br /> Selectmen are recommending $5,000 be appropriated in the Special <br /> Town Warrant. All revenue from this celebration will revert right <br /> to the Gneral Fund. <br /> Mr, Goggin asked about the Town Accountant's Salary and Wage <br /> Account. Ms, Romelmeyer• answered that the increase wag due to her <br /> 20 hour part time position being increased to a 35 hour full time <br /> posit�.on. The Selectmen were also in favor of this increase of <br /> hours. <br /> Deni a Sullivan stepped down as the boards discussed the Assessing <br /> Department, Mr. Golub asked about the extra telephone line in the <br /> office and why it was costing so much. Mr. Vaccaro answered that <br /> it has special features. Doth Beards also noted that the <br /> Assessor's budget was $4,000 less than their PY95 P95budget request. <br /> They also noted that Ms. Shaw's budget had been reduced from the <br /> previous year. <br /> Mr. Goggin mentioned that he had received word from Marilyn Farren, <br /> Personnel Administrator, that the Personnel Department has changed <br /> their request for an increase of hours for their part time floating <br /> clerk to the creation of a part time position. Mr. Golub asked <br /> about the new computers in that office and if the employees were <br /> any more comfort ble with their use He also asked if there would <br /> be a savings because of the new systems? Mr. Whritenour answered <br /> that the Town hopes to gain a great deal of efficiency with the new <br /> computer-. The employees are presently receiving training. Mr. , <br /> Costa stated that he wished to see the Personnel Department keeping <br /> better track of benefits. This is an area that needs to be <br /> tightened. It Was Mr. Costa's opinion that all records should be <br /> kept in one office. <br /> Mr., Goggin asked if there was any policy to pay i <br />