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noted the CPC requests after approved is reviewed by the Finance Committee, Selectmen for their <br /> approval prior to town meeting, <br /> Pamela suggested members go to the Historical Commission Meeting and get confirmation that this is <br /> what they are committed to doing and then as a committee work out what proposal we want to put in <br /> front of the CPC. She noted we are talking about excavating, fencing, moving things over, supplies, <br /> signage, materials, etc. Another thought was getting a formal approval from the Commission. She <br /> said this committee needs to put in an application to CPC, <br /> Motion: Michael Talbot moved to apply for CPC funding for the reconstruction of the <br /> community garden for the May town meeting, seconded by Anthony Oliver. Vote unanimous 7-0 <br /> The Chair suggested that any members that can attend the next Historic Commission meeting to Iet <br /> them know of our motion and that we want to make sure they understand what we are doing and if it <br /> will fit in with their plan and also asked them to provide a letter of support that we can include with <br /> our application. Also, Michael stated he will contact the Historic District Commission to let them <br /> know of our plans. They will be interested in the fencing. <br /> Progress to date on draft Community Garden Regulations—Irene Checkovich <br /> Irene presented the draft of the Community Garden Regulations. Several suggestions were made and <br /> she said she will make the changes and bring back the updated version to the members at the next <br /> meeting. She also suggested if there are any further changes the members are welcome to email her <br /> their suggestions. <br /> Pamela stated she would put together the draft application for CPC and would need input from the <br /> member in the form of emails, i.e. quotes, estimates, etc. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> Determine date of November 2018 meeting. <br /> It was agreed to meet on Tuesday,November 20 at 7:00 p.m. <br /> Garden Plan: Develop list of work and responsibilities,with time line, that should be done <br /> between now and 2019 gardening season. <br /> Irene noted we should start looking at responsibilities because we need a point person for people who <br /> are inquiring about the gardens to answer questions, maintain a list of those interested. Mohammed <br /> volunteered to take on this responsibility and maintain a list of people showing interest in the garden. <br /> Mohammed stated he would also coordinate with IT to update the webpage on the town's website. <br /> Irene stated she would be willing to keep the records once we start the application process. <br /> Anthony Oliver will check with DPW,thru Wayne, who is the point person, to discuss how they can <br /> help including information gathering. <br /> Motion: Michael Talbot moved to adjourn,seconded by Anthony Oliver. Vote unanimous 7-0 <br /> Meeting Adjourned 8:55 pm. <br /> ADJOURNMENT: NEXT MEETING is Wednesday, October 17, 2018 at 7:00 PM <br /> 2 <br />