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Agent A topic 3j Hdrborniaster Report god Pians <br /> Discussion. After our last meeting Barbara emailed Al Turner and let him know we were not in favor of <br /> restricting motor size to 50 HP on Mashpee Wakeby Lake. Andrew Gottlieb was in favor of enforcing the <br /> laws we have on the books along with more consistent harbormaster coverage. Dave Sampson said he <br /> would try to get the Sandwich Harbormaster to help with patrolling the lake. Don reported the list of <br /> infractions noted by Barbara at the August MWLMC meeting to Al Turner at the August Waterways <br /> meeting. Regarding the idea to restrict motors to 50 HP on the lake, Al said he really did not want to do it, <br /> but was trying to avoid action by the State. Several guests spoke against the restriction also. Most felt that <br /> Harbormaster presence and enforcement of present tiles has helped. Chief Collins polled the group <br /> regarding which hours the harbormaster presence was most needed. Wednesday— Sunday mainly in the <br /> afternoons between Memorial Day and Labor Day, seemed to be the consensus. When Al mentioned the <br /> language barrier with the Portuguese speaking group, Barbara mentioned that we had the PWC rules <br /> translated into Portuguese several years ago, but could not get the Town to go forward with putting the <br /> signs up. Al does plan to increase signage.Al has put up a game cam, to take pictures at the ramp of boat <br /> registrations and license plates during launching. He has increased writing tickets. <br /> Two guests pointed out that NH has a State mandated boating safety course which has helped with <br /> education, but that is beyond the scope of this committee. Al hopes to teach a boating safety class to a <br /> max of 40 people in October. <br /> There has been no action by the State on repairing the boat ramp, although Al continues to reach out to <br /> Dave Matollie of the State. <br /> Conclusions: Increased Harbormaster presence is necessary for boating safety on the lake. <br /> [Agenda topic 4] Fresh Water Quality Ivlomtorng, <br /> Discussion: After our last meeting Barbara emailed Ashley Fisher and Rick York asking them to please <br /> remember to do the fresh water testing as well as the marine. Ashley wrote back and said the PALS Pond <br /> and Lake stewards annual testing was done on August 29"'. This is in conjunction with the Cape Cod <br /> Commission and UMass Dartmouth. She forwarded some reports,but the 2017 data was not among them. <br /> She is requesting volunteers to do the more frequent seechi disc readings and dissolved oxygen, which <br /> were done by volunteers 5-6 times a summer for several years. Mike volunteered to help. <br /> Conclusions: Mike will contact Ashley about doing fresh water testing on Mashpee Wakeby. <br /> [Agenda topic 51 Lowell Hb11y Report <br /> Discussion: Barbara reached out to Winslow Dresser, Stewardship Manager for Lowell Holly and the <br /> South Coast. He reported a good season with only a few issues, mostly involving dogs. The ranger staff <br /> reported it quieter than some recent years. They have done light clearing on the trails around South <br /> Sandwich.Road parking area and installed a new entrance sign and post. They are hoping to update the <br /> information kiosks this winter. As always,they invite everyone's support through membership with the <br /> Trustees of Reservations. Please alert him should you see any issues on the property. <br /> (508) 636-4693 ext. 5011 in Westport, MA. <br /> Conclusions: Winslow Dresser reported a quieter than usual summer and some clearing done. <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 8:57 P.M. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Barbara B. Nichols <br />